Page 89 of Sweet Satisfaction
N atalia had been gone for two hours. I was working on making breakfast in the kitchen when my phone rang. It was Cavan .
“Hey, what’s up, man ?”
“Sam, I was wondering if I could stop by and pick up one of the playbooks for tomorrow’s game. I never got one and the coordinators said you have those things memorized .”
“Yeah, but I’m out right now. It’ll have to be later .”
“Out? It’s nine o’clock in the morning .”
“Working out, man. Have to get ready for the game.” I was staring at the playbook on Natalia’s kitchen table .
“Just tell me where your spare key is and I’ll stop by .”
“Can’t. It’s in my car. I’ll call you when I’m back and you can run over .”
“This is serious. I haven’t seen any of the plays .”
I flipped the bacon over in the frying pan. “Sorry, man. Call one of the other guys or wait until I’m home .”
I was about to hang up on him .
“Fine. Just call me .”
“You got it .”
I shoved the phone into my pocket and continued to work on breakfast. I had muffins in the oven and was ready to whip eggs into omelets, but I wasn’t sure when she’d be home. I didn’t want them to be cold .
I heard her key in the door and smiled when she walked through .
“Hey.” She grinned .
“How was practice?” I asked .
“Dreadful as usual.” She hung her bag next to the door and looped her keys on a hook. “It smells wonderful in here .”
“Bacon always smells good. I was getting ready to make an omelet for you .”
She laughed. “So if I took pictures of you right now making breakfast for me I couldn’t use these as blackmail.” She leaned up to kiss me on the cheek .
“First of all, you wouldn’t do that. And second, yes, the guys don’t know about my culinary skills. So don’t blow my badass cover .”
“Oh, that’s what you call yourself?” She sat at the table to watch me with the whisk .
“You’re looking at the tight end with the most yards, most catches, most touchdowns, and most blocks in his rookie season and I’m on schedule to beat that this year .”
“Wow. I had no idea .”
I stared at her. “Really? No idea ?”
She shook her head. “It was never a line. I seriously know nothing about your career or much about football, but I have picked up a lot as a Goddess. We have to go to football class during our summer training camp .”
“So if I quiz you, you think you’d pass?” I added cream to the eggs and whipped furiously. How could she not have heard of my record ?
“I think I would. I can hold my own in a conversation with the girls .”
I chuckled. “Yeah, but those girls aren’t professional football players .”
“True, but I’d bet I could pass .”