Page 97 of Sweet Satisfaction
I followed him up the stairs. It was small, but romantic. Exactly what I pictured. Only, I didn’t expect to speed here like I did, but none of that mattered. We were together and Sam seemed more relaxed than when we spoke on the phone .
The door opened and I inhaled. “Oh my God.” It was filled with candles and flowers. There was a bottle of wine on the table and a small fire in the fireplace .
“You like it ?”
“I love it. It’s exactly what I wanted .”
He came up behind me and deadbolted the door closed. His hands circled my waist and he kissed my neck .
“You’re exactly what I want too .”
He pushed my cover up off my shoulders, dropping it at my feet. I spun around in his arms, remembering the last time we were together we danced in my studio .
His lips brushed over mine and I tipped forward to kiss him .
“Are you okay?” My fingers played with his hair. “You sounded upset on the phone. I was worried .”
“With you I am.” He lifted me from the floor and carried me across the room. I expected him to lower me on the couch in front of the fire, but he kept walking .
“Where are we going ?”
He kicked open another door. There was a huge tub filled with bubbles .
“Don’t you like to relax after a game?” he asked .
My eyes widened. “How did you know?” He placed my feet on the tile .
“Because I know what it feels like when you work your body like that for four hours. Ever muscle is sore. Every part hurts .”
I nodded, rubbing my neck. “Everything .”
“How’s your leg?” He lowered to the floor, dragging my shorts to my ankles. He stopped to kiss the back of my leg .
“Better when you do that.” I smiled. I liked the pampering. I liked the candles and the flowers and the huge tub with bubbles .
He rose from the floor and lifted my shirt overhead .
“Fuck, I love that your tits are so perfect,” he growled .
They hardened under his stare. I stepped toward him, pressing my hands to his chest .
“Are we both going to fit in that tub?” I looked over my shoulder .
He laughed. “No, it’s for you. Enjoy it and I’ll be waiting for you out there when you’re done .”
I looked at him strangely. “Really ?”
“Really.” He kissed my forehead. “Enjoy it .”
He walked out of the bathroom and closed the door. I pivoted toward the bubbles. I was turned on from his kisses and his touch, but the bath was calling. I knew where he’d be when I got out .
I dipped one toe in, feeling the soothing relief of the hot water, then slid all the way in until I was submerged up to my shoulders. I rested my head on the back of the tub. I didn’t know Sam had a romantic side. I took in the moment and let my body relax. I didn’t worry about being a Goddess or trying out for the ballet. I didn’t worry that he wanted things to move faster than I did. I tried to block all of that out and realize that an insanely hot and sexy man had planned a spontaneous romantic overnight trip for me. That was all that mattered .
* * *
I wrapped the towel around my chest and cracked the bathroom door .
“You still here?” I asked .