Page 103 of Sidelined
“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know why my guard is up all the time.” An involuntary smile crept across her face. “So I should keep seeing him despite the fact that he’s in the military? Despite the fact that I don’t know much about him? And despite the fact that our relationship is the most physical relationship I’ve ever had?”
“Absolutely.” Kari’s hand slammed on the mahogany desk, making Skye giggle.
“Ok, it’s settled.”
“It’s settled.”
One Week Later
Skye stared at the screen on her desk. No matter how many times she went over the campaign slogans, they all sounded the same—boring and ordinary. How many different ways could you tell people they needed to wear sunscreen at the beach and pool? ‘Fun in the sun’ had been played out.
She glanced at the clock. It was almost eight. The floor was quiet. Kari left hours ago with everyone else. The rumbling sound from her stomach reminded her that the last time she had eaten was at lunch.
She scrolled through the usual take out places programmed into her phone. She realized she had tried every deli, Chinese restaurant, and pizza joint in a five-mile radius. Tonight, she settled on a turkey and cheese from Sandy’s Sandwich Shoppe.
“Knock knock.” Greg rapped on the door.
“What are you doing here? I thought everyone left.” Skye looked behind him, hoping someone else was still lurking in the office.
Greg was one of those guys who looked like he probably played football in high school. He had an athletic build that over the years had been padded by more than one box of donuts. The receding hairline he tried to hide with longer hair on top, made him look older than he really was. Skye knew they had graduated from college the same year, so he wasn’t even over thirty. Unfortunately, she knew more about Greg than she wanted to.
“You know, working on the tourism account. I’ve gotta stay ahead of it.” He smiled.
“Right.” Her stomach lurched. She reached for her bag and folded her laptop into the front pocket.
“You leaving already? I was going to see if you wanted to split a pizza.” Greg walked further into her office sanctuary.
She stuffed a notebook behind the laptop and looked up. “Pizza? Ahh…thanks, but I’m picking up dinner on the way home.” She had never been more excited that she decided to eat at home.
“Oh come on. We could talk about the account. You can fill me in on the people on the tourism board.” He leaned on the desk. “I think I’ve got a bottle of wine. Let’s try it out.” His grin was practically Cheshire Cat-wide.
Skye held in a gag. “Um.
I’m really finished for the night.” She tapped the switch on her desk lamp and stood.
Greg sighed, “That’s too bad. I was hoping to get your analysis on the account. Maybe even let you take the lead on the zoo campaign.”
Skye stopped fidgeting with the snaps on her bag. “The zoo campaign?”
“Uh-huh. Isn’t that your baby?” Greg didn’t budge.
“It was.” Skye thought about the gondola that sliced through the park, and the panda exhibit. Sunny days on the bench watching the tourists take group photos and line up for snocones.
“I bet we could work something out.”
She hated the way he said that. He was dangling the one carrot in front of her he knew he had. There was always the chance he would use all her ideas, take credit for them, and stab her in the back in one quick move. On the other hand, it was a chance to get back on the largest account the firm had. She could handle the zoo marketing and sunscreen ads at the same time.
Greg’s eyebrows shot upward. “Ok. Let me go get that wine.”
Skye raised her palm. “No wine. And I’m going to run to Sandy’s and pick up my dinner. But when I get back we can start.”
Greg slid his hands in his pockets. “Your loss on the wine. It’s a Mystic Vineyards classic.” He bit down on his lower lip, and she noticed his eyes had settled on the top of her cleavage. It made her want to button the top buttons on her blouse.
“Greg, I’m not staying late at work to drink with you. If you’re saying I can work on the zoo campaign with no strings attached, I’ll come back with dinner. If not, then you’re on your own.”
He held up his hands. “Strings? You don’t think I’m using this account for anything other than professional reasons, do you?” His smile said otherwise.