Page 108 of Sidelined
It never got easier being here. He told Faith he could handle it, but he couldn’t. His chest tightened and a deep hollow opened in the bottom of his stomach. This was Riggs’s house. His best friend. His family. And he was gone.
“What happened?” He handed her a tissue and watched as she blotted her cheeks.
“I don’t know. I was going through some of his stuff in the closet today. I was thinking I needed to start packing it up or giving it away. It’s not doing anybody any good in the closet, right? And really I was doing great. But then I got ready for bed, and I looked in the closet. His side was empty, and I just lost it.”
Bolt prepared himself for the waterworks. Faith was a strong girl, but losing Riggs had chipped away at some of the resilience she once had. He knew it would tear Riggs’s heart to shreds if he saw her like this.
“I’m sure that was hard.” Bolt looked around the room. “Where did you put all his stuff?”
She sniffed. “I made piles. I even made a box for you, if you want it.”
Bolt felt the hollowness almost swallow the rest of his organs. All he could handle right now were the dog tags. He couldn’t bear to go through any of his friend’s belongings.
“Maybe I can pick it up later,” he suggested. “I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
She nodded, but he wasn’t convinced. Tears seeped from the corners of her eyes every time she attempted a smile. “I’m fine, Ben. Really, you can go back to whatever hot date you were on.”
He shook his head, remembering the way he left Skye. “No hot date. I’m here for you. That’s what Riggs would want.”
She clasped his hand. “Charlie would appreciate all of this, but he wouldn’t expect you to drop everything every time I call. I’m embarrassed I called you so late. I’m a mess.”
“Don’t be embarrassed. I wouldn’t have it any other way, ok?” He tapped the top of her nose with his forefinger.
“Ok.” She smiled.
“How about I take the couch tonight and maybe you can get some sleep? I’ll be right here if you need me.”
He could tell she was about to protest, probably out of customary response, but she nodded. “Thanks. I think I would sleep better.”
Bolt followed her to the linen closet in the hall and took a blanket and spare pillow from her.
“Night, Faith.” He wrapped a free arm around her shoulder.
“Good night, Ben.” She walked down the hall and closed the bedroom door behind her.
He sighed as he spread out on the couch, adjusting the pillow behind his head. This wasn’t the first night he had spent in Riggs’s house, but it had been awhile. He thought Faith was doing better. He thought he was doing better, but seeing her tears tonight brought a fresh wave of guilt. He hadn’t checked on her lately. He hadn’t stopped by to see if she needed help fixing anything, or if her car was running. Hell, he wasn’t her husband, Riggs was, but he had tried to fill in for his best friend by doing handyman things whenever he could.
Faith always seemed to cheer up when he was around and that made him feel better. Tonight was like she had gone back two years. The grief on her face brought back the pain from Riggs’s death.
Bolt stared at the ceiling. Sleeping on the couch wasn’t much, but he vowed to check in with her more and keep an eye on her. His deployment started in four weeks, until then he would be here for Faith. That’s what Riggs would want. He owed him that.
Skye took a bite out of her sandwich, and sipped her diet drink. Children ran in front of the bench she had acquired. One of the perks of her job was that she didn’t always have to be tied to her desk, though she knew she was guilty of clinging to it more hours than most people would.
“Mommy, please can I get an ice cream? They have zebra striped kind and leopard spotted chocolate flavor. I’m sure they have your favorite too.”
Skye smiled at the little boy. He couldn’t be more than six, but he had already perfected the art of parent persuasion. His mother smiled at him before nodding and chasing him to the stand around the corner. That little boy was fast.
Skye was at the zoo. Greg hadn’t backed out of their agreement. It had been a week since he had offered it to her, and she kept waiting for the strings that were attached to whip her back to reality. He was up to something. She just couldn’t figure out what.
The night Greg offered the zoo file made her think about Ben. She hadn’t heard from him since he left her apartment. After the way the argument played out, she didn’t expect to, but it didn’t keep her from being disappointed that he didn’t call. In only twelve days she had fallen for his baby blue eyes and laugh. She just liked being around him, and she really loved kissing him. He made her feel things no other man had shown her. It was hard to forget nights like those.
She sighed. Kari had convinced her to go out with one of her friends from college, Dave.
Dave sounded like he would be a good date. He was an attorney and lived in La Jolla. They were supposed to meet for dinner Friday night. Skye knew her heart wasn’t in it. She was going through the motions to appease Kari. In the back of her head she hadn’t given up the idea Ben could call. Didn’t he want to apologize?
She looked down when she heard her phone ring, but the sudden surge of hope was stomped out when she saw her mother’s name on the screen.