Page 110 of Sidelined
He collected his tools and stacked them in the bottom of the box. He had been by her place almost every other day for the past week. The toilet no longer leaked. The pantry shelf was level. The dishwasher didn’t stop mid-cycle. He felt pretty good about checking things off the broken and busted list.
Faith’s smile dropped. “Oh, ok.”
Bolt wished it were the kind of event he could let her tag along, but it was a vetting process for the squadron. There were strict rules on the closed nature of the interviews.
Faith needed to get out more. Other than teaching and her weekend outings to scout undiscovered art, she had become a recluse. It couldn’t be healthy for a girl as young and cute as her to hide from the world. But, he knew that wasn’t really his call to make. Riggs would want him to keep an eye on her, but her personal life was none of his business.
“Maybe another time.” He picked up the toolbox. “I’d invite you to go but—”
“No, you don’t have to explain.” She held up a hand. “I remember when Charlie rushed the squadron. He said I couldn’t come within five miles of the bar. I know the drill.”
Bolt chuckled. “Yeah, there is a no guest policy.” He reached for the door. “Can I do anything else before I go?”
“Ben, you’ve done so much.” Her eyes started to mist.
“It’s nothing.” He wanted to leave before she started to cry, but knew it would make him a total asshole if he left her with tears on her cheeks. “How about one beer? I’ve got time.”
“Really?” Her face lit up.
Bolt placed the toolbox by the doorframe. “I’m right behind you.” He followed her along the hall and toward the kitchen.
He paused in front of a picture of Riggs and Faith on the wall. It was one of their honeymoon shots from Hawaii. “I’m looking after her, buddy,” he mouthed at the photo. He shook his head hoping to God his friend would appreciate everything he was trying to do.
Faith twisted the top off a beer and placed it on the table. “Ok, so what’s the latest on your love life?”
“What?” Bolt choked on the beer. “I didn’t know I was going to get interrogated.”
“Hey, it’s me. I’m basically your sister. What’s going on? Any girls?”
Bolt tipped the beer back, letting the cool liquid slide down his throat. “There was one.”
“Was? What happened? She couldn’t handle you?” Faith giggled.
He shook his head. “No, I think I screwed it up. I’m not used to dating. I’m used to—”
Faith held up a hand. “I know exactly what you’re used to. You’ve got to stop sleeping around like you do. Tell me what happened with her.”
“I guess I did what I always do. I tried to get what I wanted and didn’t listen to her.” He took another sip.
“Ben, you’re really a sweet guy. Look at all this stuff you’ve done for me. You are absolutely boyfriend material, but you get in your own way. Can’t you just let yourself get attached to someone? Have some feelings? You know be a man, not a Neanderthal.”
Bolt chuckled. Faith didn’t cut any corners. “That’s pretty good advice. But you know my history. It wasn’t any different than Charlie’s. My parents hated each other. My high school girlfriend cheated on me. What’s the point?”
“The point is this.” Faith opened her arms in the kitchen. “You get to share the best parts of your life with someone. You get to build a home and fill it with love and romance, all that stuff that’s in movies. I know people feel sorry for me because Charlie’s gone, and I have days when I still feel sorry for myself, but I wouldn’t trade a single second of my time with him. And if Charlie was here, he would say the same thing. I know he would.”
Bolt nodded. “He absolutely would. He loved you more than anything on this planet.”
“And that’s what you need, Ben. Fall in love. Stop running and being scared of it. Maybe you screwed up your chance with that girl, but find another one and take the leap. You have a damn dangerous job and you’re not afraid to risk your life for the guys in your squadron. Don’t tell me you’re scared to risk your heart.”
He placed his empty bottle on the table. “Thanks for the beer, sweetheart.” He stood to leave.
“Did I say too much?” Faith reached up for a hug.
“No, I think you said some things I need to think about.”
“Good.” She loosened her grip on his waist. “Have fun tonight. Maybe you’ll meet a girl.” She giggled.
He knew then that he had fucked up everything good he had with Skye. For once a beautiful and intelligent woman had become a part of his life and he threw it away for nothing. But now it was too late to try to call her. If he was going to fix anything his chance had passed. He shook his head. It would be awhile before he got back in that situation again, but damn if he didn’t regret what he had done.