Page 118 of Sidelined
“On my way. See you there.” She exited toward the Gaslamp district. If there was one thing she needed more than Ben, it was a girl’s night.
Rookie move, he thought. Bolt turned on the TV and searched for a baseball game. The Padres weren’t playing tonight so he’d have to watch another team. He didn’t know why he let Skye drive away. The day was incredible. He had never seen someone so excited about a zoo before. He could tell there was more to it than the animals; he just couldn’t get her to open up about it. He didn’t want to push her. She seemed like she was always on the edge of running. After the fight he knew he was walking a fine line anyway. Better to leave things alone.
Most guys would have invited her up. He would have invited her up. Taken that jacket off of her and every other stitch of clothing she was wearing until she was moaning and screaming his name under his hands. He shook his head. That was then. This is now. He wasn’t going to go there again until she was ready.
He turned off the TV. There wasn’t anything that could hold his attention now that she was gone.
Dammit. He reached for his keys and closed the door behind him. He shouldn’t have let her leave. He didn’t wait for the elevator. He jogged down the stairs and headed for his truck. He had one stop to make first.
He knocked on her door. He thought he heard giggling, but wasn’t sure. He held the ice cream and toppings in a bag in his right hand and waited for Skye to open the door.
“Hey.” She pulled the door back, a glass of wine in her grasp.
“Hey.” He grinned.
“Who is it, Skye?” Bolt heard a female voice call from the living room.
“Um, I guess I should have called first. You have company?” He shrugged at his bad move. Calling would have made sense, but then that would have taken the spontaneity right out of it.
“Come in. It’s ok. It’s my friend Kari. You met her last night at the club.”
Bolt followed Skye into the apartment. Music was playing from the stereo and Kari was sitting on the floor next to an open bottle of wine on the coffee table.
“Hey, Ben. I didn’t know you were stopping by.”
“Hi. I didn’t either. I should have called.” He held up the grocery bag. “Thought I’d surprise Skye with dessert.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” Kari gushed. She stood to peer in the bag. “Chocolate and strawberry. Nice choices.” She winked at Skye.
He handed the bag to Skye. “Why don’t I leave this for you girls and I’ll call you tomorrow?” He turned for the door, kicking himself for being so rash.
“No way. I’m outta here.” Kari darted in front of him.
He shook his head. “No, you shouldn’t leave. I’m the one interrupting.”
“Too late.” She grabbed her purse and then the door handle. “Call you later, girl.” Before Bolt could protest further the friend was gone.
He turned to face Skye. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”
Skye giggled. She didn’t seem upset. “Kari does what she wants to do.” She placed the bag on the counter. “Dessert?”
Bolt walked toward her. “Two kinds of ice cream and toppings.”
She reached into the bag and lined the contents on the counter. “Ok, so we have chocolate, strawberry, chocolate syrup, cherries, and whipped cream?”
“Did I leave something out?” Bolt realized he had never built a sundae before, but he thought he had all the bases covered. What was he missing?
“No, looks perfect to me. I’ll get the bowls.” As she turned to the cabinet behind her, his eyes followed her ass and all the curves from her hips. He shook his head as if that would somehow reset his thoughts.
He looked at the coffee table. There were a few candles dotting the surface along with the wine. If he hadn’t just seen Kari walk out of here he would have thought Skye was in the middle of a romantic evening. He picked up the ice cream and the other jars.
“How about a sundae picnic in here?” He placed the containers on the coffee table.
Skye turned off the kitchen light and walked over, holding bowls and spoons. She smiled. “Ok.” She sat next to him on the carpet. She slid a bowl in front of him and started unsnapping the lids. “So Ben, are you a strawberry or chocolate lover?”
“Oh, definitely chocolate. Lots of whipped cream.” He peeled the plastic off of the chocolate container.