Page 55 of Sidelined
I picked up my phone and called the agent for my building.
“Hey, it’s Sam Hickson. I want to talk to you about moving.”
The agent sounded startled. “Mr. Hickson, it’s so good to hear from you.”
“Thanks. What’s open in the building?”
“We have a studio on the first floor.” He sounded as if he was looking through his listings. “There is a four-bedroom for sale above you, but that’s a lot of space for a single guy.”
“I’ll take it.” I was quick to respond.
“But you haven’t seen it. We haven’t talked price.”
“Doesn’t matter.?
? I knew what was in my bank account and I knew the going rate for units in this building. I could buy it and list this one.
“Would you like to see it?”
“How about now?”
“Yes, of course. Now works for me. I’ll meet you there with the keys. The owners have already moved out, so it’s vacant. I hope that’s okay.”
“Even better. I’ll walk upstairs.”
I hung up and grabbed my keys. I hadn’t worried about finding a bigger place because I didn’t need room for anyone other than myself. An extra room made my apartment plenty big. I usually met the guys at their places or the bars, and I either worked out at the team facilities or in the gym downstairs.
I climbed the stairs to the next floor. Phil was waiting for me.
“I think you’re going to like this place.” He jingled the keys in his hand.
He opened the door and I stepped inside. It looked like my model, only everything was bigger. There were two bedrooms grouped together, one off of the living room and the master suite at the end of a long hallway. I pushed the door open. I could see it. I could see our lives here.
I turned and almost smacked into Phil. “When I can put in the offer?”
“Today, if you want. I’ll get started on the paperwork.”
“Do it.” I looked at the hardwood floors. They needed to be refinished. The kitchen needed new tile. “How soon can I close? I want to get a remodeling crew up here immediately.”
“Uh, I’d have to check with the sellers, but I see no reason we can’t do it quickly.”
“I’ll pay cash, so you don’t have to worry about a bank holding us up. And I don’t need an inspection. I’ll take it as-is. I have a lot of plans for the space.”
Phil looked stunned. “That’s excellent news. I’ll call the sellers immediately and get everything ready for you.”
“Great. Call me when it’s ready to sign.”
I walked out of the apartment and jogged down the stairs to my own place. This was how I was going to do it. I’d build her a studio. I’d show her the life we could have together.
I understood she wanted to make money and stand on her own. I respected that, but it was keeping us apart when we should be together. I didn’t want to pay her to be my girlfriend—I tried to explain to her it wasn’t like that. I’d pay the bills and the mortgage while she focused on ballet. It wasn’t a paid relationship.
Sneaking around like this wasn’t going to work. If the Goddesses found out, they would fire her. I knew they had strange traditions, as did our dance team. The girls took some things more seriously than the players.
And then it hit me. I scrolled through my phone and looked at the pictures we took together this morning on the lake before we left.
It was shitty. But I knew exactly how to free Natalia so she could do what she really loved.