Page 45 of Don't Tell (Don't 1)
Grayson had plopped himself in front of the TV. That was one thing I had to work on. She gave him way too much screen time. I wanted him to be outside. Even if it was a hundred degrees.
“Ok. But you and Grayson will be here when I get back.”
“Right. But I just don’t want you to think it’s something else, Amber. I’m doing this for my son.”
She crossed her arms. “Ok. Ok. I get it. It’s not for me. You don’t have to hurt my feelings on purpose.”
I sighed. “I’m not trying to do that. Why don’t I take this to the truck and I’ll be back to get Grayson?” I walked to the door and rode the elevator.
The sooner I had the new custody papers drawn up the safer I was. Amber could change her mind tomorrow and decide she’d rather be a chef in Hawaii or a cruise ship performer even though she couldn’t sing.
I placed Grayson’s bags in the backseat, careful not to let the tracks spill on the floor. I made a second trip up the elevator.
I walked inside the apartment.
“Ok. I’m set.”
Amber knelt next to our son. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Ok?”
He hugged her. “You too, Mommy.”
It was like shoving a dagger between my ribs. It didn’t matter that I didn’t love her, or that I never had. Watching a boy separated from his mother was painful. I took him by the hand.
Amber waved from the kitchen and blew us each a kiss.
I pretended to catch one for Grayson and pressed it into his chubby cheek.
“Bye Mommy.”
The door closed behind us and we drove toward his new home.
I had babysat a thousand times. I even nannied one summer in college. I was great with children. I could have been a teacher. But as I twisted my hands together, I’d never been more scared of a child in my life than meeting Cole’s son Grayson.
What if he was shy? What if he didn’t let me near him? Cole needed my help to get the Dunes ready for the summer season. I had already decided part of that meant watching his child. But what if this was a colossal mess?
I bit the inside of my lip.
The truck pulled into the parking lot. I flattened my palms against my shorts and walked outside.
Cole parked at the end of the parking lot in front of the unit he stayed in. I took a deep breath. I walked toward them, watching him unlock the straps on the car seat.
My heart was already melting. He lifted the tiny person into his arms and turned to face me.
I smiled. “Hi, Grayson.”
“Grayson, this is my special friend, Kaitlyn.”
We hadn’t gone over what he should call me. Special friend sounded strange, but I just had to go with it.
“Can you say hi?” Cole prodded.
“Hi.” His voice was quiet. Adorable.
“I’m so happy to meet you.” I looked at Cole for approval.