Page 28 of Don't Lie (Don't 2)
I glowered at my leg. How the fuck did I end up like this? I’d survived roadside bombs and gunfire in the desert and never had pain like this. The irony was on display. I had buddies who had lost arms. Feet. Their lives. And I was on a damn roof working on shingles.
I cursed until I ran out of words.
How in the hell was I supposed to run the Dunes like this? How did I take care of Grayson? And Kaitlyn? I couldn’t put all the responsibility on her. It was too much. I clenched my fist. I couldn’t stay in this bed and let her fuss over me.
She would do it all. I knew her. That big heart of hers wouldn’t stop until she knew I was ok and Grayson was tucked in dreaming happy thoughts every single night. Because that’s the kind of amazing woman she was. Fearless when she should have been scared shitless. Full of hope when things were falling apart. Optimistic when an opportunistic dick had shown up to destroy everything I had.
I didn’t know anyone like her.
I shook my head. I had to find a way to get out of this bed.
This was on me. I had to make it right.
I grabbed the bottle next to the bed and split one of the pain pills in half. I needed something, but I wasn’t going full-strength. I’d already slept enough today. I didn’t like how the medication made me feel.
I pulled the crutches under my arms and wobbled until I was upright.
I climbed the steps to the cottage. I had been gone two hours. Long enough to cause massive trouble. Aiden had checked into room twenty-three with his two overnight bags. He wasn’t finished trying to talk me into a drink, but I managed to side step his last offer.
I opened the door to find Cole leaning on a crutch with his head in the refrigerator.
“What are you doing? You’re not supposed to be up.” I rushed over to him, ready to coax him back to bed.
“Looking for a beer,” he reported.
“Uh-uh. No way. You are still on pain medication.” I took the unopened bottle from his hand and placed it in the fridge. “What about some tea or a water?” I pulled out the ice tea pitcher.
He groaned. I knew it wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
“What’s happening over at the office?” He nodded in the direction of the Dunes while he waited for me to pour him a glass.
“Nothing major.” I added a few extra ice cubes. “I’m working on an advertising contract for snowbirds.”
I watched as he chugged the sweet tea.
“I’m so thirsty.” He placed it on the counter.
“I’ll pour another for you.” I retrieved the pitcher for a second time and filled up the glass. “You really need to get off your leg. At least give it another day before you try standing around.” He didn’t look steady.
“So no new guests?” He eyed me over the glass.
“Why do you ask?”
“I saw someone pull in about twenty minutes ago. Couldn’t make out who it was though, and I don’t remember having any reservations on the books after the Shapleys checked out.”
“Let me help you back to bed and I’ll tell you what’s going on.”
Reluctantly, he slung his free arm around my shoulder and used his crutch to distribute his weight as he hobbled to the bedroom. I restacked his pillows and made sure he was comfortable before I launched into my awkward confession.
“Someone did check in this afternoon.”