Page 31 of Don't Lie (Don't 2)
“I didn’t know how long you would be at work,” he grumbled.
I checked the clock. It was only ten after twelve. “Ok. Can I get you something else?”
“No. I’ve got it.” He pushed the soup across the table.
“I have to make lunch anyway. I’m starving. Let me fix something else for you. A sandwich? Salad? Oh, I know. Grilled cheese.” I could definitely go for some comfort food right now.
“Damn it, Kaitlyn. I’m not Grayson.”
I spun on my heels. “Why are you giving me a hard time? I’m trying to help you.”
He sighed. “Sorry. I’m just tired of this damn thing.” He pointed to the boot on his foot that extended to his knee. “And I don’t think I’m a daytime TV person. Do you know how many shows are women talking about current events? I’m going crazy in here.”
I sat in the chair across from him. “I know this sucks, but you have your appointment in less than a week. In the scheme of things, that’s nothing. Try to relax so you can heal faster. You’re only going to make things worse if you walk before your body is ready.”
“All right. Whatever you say.” He pushed against the table to stand. “I’ll go back to my cell.”
“Cole, don’t say it like that.”
He was already on his crutches and out of the room. Damn, this was hard.
I hugged Grayson at the entrance to Mother Hen’s Preschool.
“Have a great day, ok?” He’s tiny arms wrapped around my neck. “I’ll pick you up this afternoon.”
“Daddy?” he asked.
I wrinkled my nose. “Daddy still can’t drive. Remember, he hurt his leg? But soon. I promise.”
I got one more quick hug before leaving him with his favorite teacher, Lacey.
I hopped in the car just as my phone rang.
“Mary Ellen, hey.”
She squealed into the phone. “I did it! I finally did it.”
“Did what?” I was completely distracted. I couldn’t begin to tell her what was going on.
“Last night, I broke up with Jesse.”
“Oh, wow. How do you feel?” I turned out of the parking lot.
“Amazing. Fantastic. Invincible. Why didn’t I do that sooner? And the timing couldn’t be better.”
“Why’s that?”
She huffed. “Because I’ll be in South Padre next week! I will be arriving
single and one hundred percent a-vail-able.”
Oh shit. With everything going on, I forgot Mary Ellen would be here soon. “Yes, perfect timing.” What kind of friend forgets her best friend’s travel plans?
“So what are we going to do first? Shopping? Beach? Oh, I know. You can take me to that bar you always talk about…Paul’s.”