Page 29 of Dirty Game
There wasn’t much else I could do. I realized I had to accept defeat. I may never finish clearing out the house or sell it. Maybe I should call one of those estate companies and have them liquidate everything for me.
The thought of having complete strangers go through Aunt Lindy’s personal items didn’t feel right. I couldn’t do that to her.
I may have let her down the last few years of her life, but I didn’t have to let her down in death.
My shoulders sank as I stared into the bottom of my glass of wine. I sat on the back porch, watching boats cruise past.
I wondered how many times she had done this before she’d died. Sat in this exact wicker rocker and watched life sail by. I took another sip and reached for the chilled bottle next to me.
It was the kind of sunset I was going to drink through. I didn’t see any other way.
I heard the familiar sound of tires on gravel and looked up when Blake’s truck rolled into view.
I hadn’t seen him in a few days. I thought it was for the best. Things had gotten too messy. Too complicated. Too hard.
“Thought you’d already have your suitcase on the porch,” he barked, walking toward me, taking huge strides.
“Hi to you too,” I sassed.
But my chest tightened when I saw him. His T-shirt clung to his chest and it was hard to look away from the sculpted lines of his arms. Damn it. Why did he always have to be so hot?
“So you’re just going to run away again?” he accused. There was fire in his eyes.
He stood six inches from me and I could feel the heat radiating from his glare. It poured off his body in ripples of fevered anger.
I made the mistake of looking up.
“How did you know I was leaving?”
“Just answer me. Are you taking off and selling Lindy’s house?”
I placed the wine glass down and rose to meet him. “What difference does it make to you?”
“Because I actually give a shit about this island. I care if developers come in and get ahold of this property. I know you don’t. You can’t get out of here fast enough.”
My hands flew to my hips. “I don’t get how y
ou can pretend to know so much about my motivations.”
He snorted. “Baby, I know every play you’ve ever made.”
My spine tingled. A shiver ran from one shoulder to the other. He had no idea what he was talking about. And I was just tipsy enough to tell him to get the hell of my porch.
“If you’re done lecturing me about the sanctity of the island, you can go. I don’t need this.”
“I’ll pay you for it.”
“What?” My eyes almost reeled back in my head.
“What do you want for the house? I’ll pay you cash.”
I shook my head. “You are not buying Aunt Lindy’s house.”
“Why not? You sure as hell don’t want it. You’ll take any excuse to get off this piece of sand.”
“That’s not true.”