Page 12 of Resist
“Can you believe I haven’t made it to the White House yet for a tour?”
“Sounds like you’re a busy woman right now.”
I placed my empty glass on the table. “I’m trying to get my bearings.”
He leaned forward and I inhaled deeply, trying to memorize the way he smelled. It might be the last time I inhaled a man so intoxicating.
“Maybe when you get settled in, I’ll give you a call. Dinner sometime? Maybe I can take you to the White House.”
I met his eyes head on. His question sounded like a promise, but he was giving me an out. A chance to postpone things. There was something about Vaughn that excited me. He was gorgeous as hell, but there was more to him than that. I didn’t think I could define it, especially not this close to him. Words were jumbled and fuzzy.
“I-I…” I scolded myself for not getting it together more quickly. “Yes. I’m free this weekend. I’d love to see the city.”
Truth was I was always free. My calendar was wide open. Greer was my only lifeline here and she didn’t have time to give me between the demands of her job and Preston. I wasn’t anxious to have another night of being the third wheel, or pretending like I wanted to know Preston any better than I did.
He looked down at the solid watch on his wrist, it glinted under the lights. “It’s getting late.” He didn’t use his phone to check the time.
He stood from the table. “Let me walk you outside and make sure you get a cab.”
I wasn’t ready to go, but I had clinic in the morning, and something about his words made it seem as if I was supposed to follow him outside.
I found myself being led through the bar with his palm on the small of my back. His hands were wide and firm, pressing his fingertips into my skin with a possessive touch. We stepped outside and I heard the noises of Georgetown filt
er around us. Somewhere in the distance a dog barked. A car honked as it rolled past us, setting off a chain reaction.
Vaughn whistled as one of the taxis slowed in front of the bar. I stepped toward the curb.
For the first time all day it didn’t feel sweltering outside. There was a warm breeze that wisped over my skin. The city felt different at night—there was an air of romance in the history of the buildings surrounding us. A couple walked by holding hands. I scooted closer to Vaughn.
“Thank you for the drink.” I was close enough to smell the juniper on his skin. God, he smelled incredible.
“Thank you for plowing into me.” He winked.
He opened the door to the car, but I hesitated.
“And thank you for earlier. For handling that situation.” I wanted to tell him how hot and heroic I thought it was, but he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who wanted it to be a big deal.
“Oh wait. You need my number.” I felt silly giving it to him, but there was no way I was riding off without a way to hear from him again.
He pulled the phone from my hands and typed his digits into my messages and hit send. His phone beeped.
“Got it.” He smiled, returning the phone to me. I dropped it into the straw bag.
“Okay. So…” I wanted to say something cute and flirty. Something memorable. Something that wouldn’t let him forget me, but before I had a chance his hands slid to the side of my face.
I stopped trying to talk or think.
His eyes locked on mine and I saw the glimpse of a smile as his mouth lowered to mine. My eyes closed as I surrendered to his kiss.
His warm lips moved over mine with tender firmness. Vaughn wasn’t hesitant or shy. He was in control as his thumb stroked my cheek. I forgot we were standing on the sidewalk in front of a cab. I forgot about the guys in the bar. I forgot about the loneliness from the day.
My body yielded to the rush of pleasure from this stranger’s lips, blistering my mouth with passion. I sighed lightly as his tongue twirled against mine. My hands cupped the back of his neck, lingering in the kiss. Losing myself in the moment.
The wind picked up the edge of my skirt and I heard a group of girls giggle as they walked by. I didn’t care. I didn’t want anything to spoil the magic of this sliver of happiness. Somehow my feet didn’t hurt anymore. I didn’t care that I didn’t know my way home. The day suddenly wasn’t so crappy anymore.
The world fell away while we stood next to the cab, breathing each other in.
Vaughn’s hands slipped from my face. He stole another kiss before breaking away completely.