Page 4 of Double Daddy Trouble
Sawyer lowered his eyes. “I’m not sure what you’re going to think about this.”
“Hell, Sawyer. I don’t give a shit who gets hired to run advertising. I want it taken care of. Leave me out of the hiring process. You know I don’t get involved in those details.”
The dark brooder eyed his friend. “That might be, but I think I need to bring you in on this hire. It’s different. She’s different.”
“I’m listening.” He slung the drink back.
“The Francinis backed out of the resort deal yesterday.”
“What? That’s a hell of a Monday for you to handle on your own.”
Sawyer knew he finally had Jack’s attention.
“Yeah, they royally fucked us over. They pulled everyone off the job. It’s a ghost town.”
“I don’t believe it. We never should have gotten into business with them. I knew it.” Jack’s brow furrow
Sawyer tried to calm it. “I paid Gino Francini a visit. He’s broke. In debt up to his eyeballs.”
“I don’t give a shit. We aren’t shelling out more money.”
“Hold on.” Sawyer held his hand up. “It turns out Gino has a niece. A niece who happens to have a degree in advertising.”
“And you swapped her for a ten-million-dollar land deal? Does she have a ten-million-dollar brain?”
Sawyer grinned. “Something like that. It’s up to her, but she has a chance to erase her uncle’s debt if she can grow our global presence by ten percent in the next year.”
“Can she do that? Have you seen her resume?”
Sawyer braced himself for what was coming next. “I only know what Gino told me. But it’s on her. On him to deliver. We either have a ten percent growth, or we will find a way to collect what he owes us.”
Jack chuckled. “Fucking unbelievable. You think this will work?”
“I had him by the balls. It was the only offer he made. She works for us until the profit grows with the campaigns she produces.” Sawyer smirked.
“Have you seen her?” Jack waggled his eyebrows.
“Hmm.” Jack looked interested. He poured a second drink. “So that’s the meeting? We size her up and see if she’s up for the challenge? You couldn’t have told me this earlier like maybe over coffee this morning?”
Sawyer nodded. “I like surprising you when I can. But I can handle it from here if you prefer.”
He shook his head. “Hell no. I want in on the interview.”
“Good, because she should be here—”
Penny walked through the door. “Miss Francini is here.”
They smiled at each other.
“Send her in.”