Page 16 of Keeping Score
It was the eyes. I thought to myself. The darkest of browns, outlined in such a deep shade of brown they almost looked black as midnight. I felt certain he could see straight to the depths of my soul.
It was the same look he gave me last night when I looked down between my legs and saw his desire and hunger for me. Damn it.
It took almost ten minutes before I felt like myself again and even then every time I closed my eyes I saw piercing chestnut eyes staring back at me, daring and unapologetic.
Last night I had been reckless and irresponsible. I couldn’t let that side of myself emerge again. Not with Hunter involved. I loved that child as if he were my family. I wasn’t going to let the lust I had for Hawk cloud my judgement.
It didn’t matter why he was here. He had been sentenced to serve his public service here with these kids and I wasn’t going to let his flirty, cocky personality knock me off track.
I may not have been a rational woman last night, but that didn’t mean it was a permanent condition. I dug through my purse until my fingertips landed on my phone. I knew what I had to do.
I scrolled through my contacts until I found the number for Dubby, the manager of Catch.
I waited while it rang a few times before he answered.
“Hi, Dubby?”
“You got him.”
I bit my lip, more nervous than I should have been for this kind of call. “Hi, it’s Julie. Julie Bristow.”
I heard him sigh. “Let me guess, you’re not coming in for your shift tonight?”
I teetered on my heels. Was I that predictable?
“I thought a lot about what happened last night, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, especially since I didn’t have any experience, but—”
“Let me stop you right there. You don’t need to come back.”
“What?” The back of my throat tightened.
“I heard about your little thing with Kane. And after that fight, it’s not good for business.”
“But all the girls—” I had to bite my tongue from calling out the waitresses I had known for only a few days. Flirting with the Sharks seemed like it was part of the job. I had never intended to take it as far as I did, but I couldn’t believe he was trying to shame me for it.
“Doesn’t matter. I need that kind of bad exposure to die down. I need the Sharks in here. I don’t need girls who cause trouble. Let’s say it’s better for both of us if you move on.”
“But, I…” I let my voice off, knowing he was right. I didn’t want that job. I needed the money, but I was going to have to find something else to fill the penny bank void. It wasn’t going to be waiting tables at Catch.
We both understood that.
“Thanks, Dubby.”
“Sure thing. Good look, sweetheart.”
I hung up, not sure if I felt any better than when Kane walked out of my classroom.
As I walked out of the school and on to the field where the pack of boys was huddled, fighting over the ball I paused to call Savannah. She had to get me out of this.
I pressed the phone to my ear as if that would make her answer faster. “Damn it, Savi,” I muttered. Where in the hell was she? She knew I had been sentenced to this shit. She should be here for me.
She answered before I was dumped into her voicemail.