Page 6 of Nate
I shook my head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re the head of the Genoa crime family. Or maybe you call it something different now since the Genoas aren’t around anymore. My father was a Russian drug importer. You saved me after the old boss kidnapped me and killed my adopted parents.”
I swallowed thickly and tried to find the right thing to say. I failed.
“Did you think I forgot about all of that?” She shook her head. “I know what sort of life you’re in. I don’t care.”
“You think you know. But you don’t. Things are dangerous right now. Hovering on the edge of a knife. There’s a target on my back. And anyone close to me, the same target is on them.”
“I’m staying.” She set her lips in a hard line. A little firecracker. I wanted to watch the fuse burn until the explosions began.
Frustration welled in my voice despite my efforts to keep my tone even. “I’m glad you think you have a handle on all the intricate workings of the Philly underworld. You don’t. You had a great time in boarding school, and I’m glad.” I took a deep breath. I was glad. I’d wanted her to have as normal of a life as possible after her rough start. “And I’m proud that you earned a scholarship to Temple. I want you to go and pursue your studies.”
“I can do that and live here at the same time.”
“Why what?” Color rose into her face, gilding her cheeks with pink. Unforgettable. Art made sense for a split-second—I would have paid for someone to paint her just as she was at that moment.
I leaned forward and rested my elbows on the table. “I mean why do you want to stay here? What does it matter? Don’t you want to be free to do what you want somewhere in the city?”
“Free to do what I want? Seriously?” She rolled her eyes, acting her age for a split second. “You think I don’t know that you’ve had the same guy watching me for five years?”
I smirked. “You made Hargut?”
“I made him the first week at school. At first, I thought he was a creeper. Then, when I realized he’d been given free rein of the school grounds, I knew he was personal security.”
Guilty as charged. I’d made an arrangement with her school to hire one of my guys, Hargut, on as staff to keep an eye on her. “I had to keep you safe.”
“If you want me to be safe, isn’t the safest place here with you?” She plucked her fork from her plate and ate another bite of waffle.
She had a point. The house was heavily fortified. It would take a tank or a rocket launcher to get through the front door. Even so, I didn’t need her underfoot. Or in the pool. Or anywhere near me, especially when it made my dick misbehave like it was doing right then under the table.
“I’ll have someone look for an apartment for you.”
“No.” She drained her orange juice and stood. “I’m staying.”
The sun hit her dress, revealing a straight shot between her thighs. She wasn’t wearing panties. I gripped the arms of my chair and forced myself to stay seated. What would I do anyway? I had half a mind to yank her across my lap and spank her ass until it was red, then eat her pussy until she came all over my face. Get your shit together.
“You don’t decide if you stay or go. I do.” I stood and tossed down my napkin. Thank god my suit coat covered my lap. “You’re going. I’ll make some calls and see what’s available near Temple. Until then, you can stay here.”
She stepped toward me, her blue eyes glaring up into mine. “You can’t just kick me out.”
I glowered. “I can do a lot of things.”
The pulse at her throat jumped, and she glanced to my lips. “You’re different than I remember.”
“How so?” I cut the distance between us until I caught her floral scent. One more move and she’d be in my arms.
“You used to be the funny one.” A slight smile played at the corners of her lips.
“You want me to make you laugh while I kick you out?” I stuffed my hands into my pockets to keep from touching her. Had a man ever been so tempted? This was bullshit.
“No.” She frowned. “You just seem so much more…troubled, I guess.” She reached up and ran her fingertips down the scar on my jaw. “Banged up.” Her hand traveled higher, smoothing down my cheek with a too-familiar touch.
I leaned into her warmth for a split second before stepping back. Fuck, I needed to think with the head on my shoulders, not the fat fucker hanging between my legs. “Then I guess we’ve both changed.”