Page 21 of Beloved by Brothers (Doms of Destiny, Colorado 6)
Kaylyn walked into his office. “Would you like some coffee, Sheriff?” She yawned.
“I think you’re the one who needs coffee. How late did you stay at the O’Learys’?”
“It wasn’t the O’Learys’. I spent the whole night with Mitchell…I mean…your brother…and the band.”
“You what?” Mitchell and Kaylyn?
“I mean…I’m making this worse.” She shook her head. “Let’s start again.”
“That would be the place to begin,” he said with a grin.
“Mitchell found out that I was a singer last night at the party. So, we all went to his house and we practiced all night. I guess you know that Nancy is leaving. Wolfe Mayhem has a gig in Denver. They need me to be ready. So, of course, I spent the night with them.”
“So you said.” Kaylyn was fun to tease.
She put her hands on her hips. “Stop it, Jason. We jammed all night. That’s all.” She smiled. “I was rambling, wasn’t I?”
“You were, but that’s okay. Why don’t you head home and get some sleep. I can handle things here just fine. By the way, I didn’t know you were a singer.”
“Mostly in the shower, but yes I can sing. Anyway, I promised you I would help and that’s what I will do. I can sleep tonight.”
“Anyone here?” a voice he recognized came from the exterior office.
“We’re in here, Shane,” Kaylyn said.
Phoebe’s brother walked in, cocky as usual. “Kaylyn, you look beautiful as always.”
“And you’re letting your hair grow out. I like it.”
“You can thank the better barbers outside of the prison system for that.”
“You’re late, Blue,” Jason snapped.
Shane shrugged. “You’re the one who changed the time, so I had to rearrange my schedule to accommodate you, Wolfe.”
“You will address me as Sheriff Wolfe. Don’t forget I am your parole officer.”
“How can I forget with you constantly reminding me of that fact?”
“Fellas, I’m going to make a new pot of coffee,” Kaylyn said. “I think we all woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I’ll make it good and strong.” She rushed out the door.
“Sit down, Blue,” he said, refusing to call him by his given name. Shane had hurt Phoebe. Case closed. Besides, Shane hadn’t called him by name since returning to Destiny either. They may have been friends before Shane’s fuck up, but never again.
The felon smirked and took his time taking a seat. “Let’s get this over with, Wolfe. I have places to be and people to see.”
“Right now, the only place you need to be is in my office and the only person you need to see is me.” Anger boiled inside him, recalling the time he and Shane went to blows at the diner.
“Have you gotten a job yet?”
“I’ve only been out a few weeks, so no. I haven’t.” Shane put his hands behind his head. “Tick-tock, Sheriff. Next?”
What happened to the old Shane, the guy he loved as much as his own brothers? He was gone. He never could understand the sudden change in Phoebe’s brother. No one could. It just didn’t make sense.
Jason pointed to the book on his desk that he’d gotten out for this meeting. “These are the Colorado statutes that govern how a parolee and their supervising officer conduct the process.”
He grinned. “God, you’re not going to read that thing to me are you, Jason?”
“I will if I want to,” he said, shocked that Shane had called him by name. Clearly, a slipup. Maybe there was a chance to help Phoebe’s brother after all, but he didn’t hold much hope for him. The odds for a felon who had committed a crime like Shane’s to become a repeat offender were very high. Jason closed the book and opened Shane’s folder. “You’ve had two drug tests.”