Page 23 of Beloved by Brothers (Doms of Destiny, Colorado 6)
“Perhaps you should hold judgment until after we talk. You know how I can be, Mitchell.”
“I love everything about how you can be, Phoebe Blue.”
She hoped he would feel the same way once they sat down and hashed things out. Had she waited too long? Was he already in love with Kaylyn?
Taking the keys from her hand, Mitchell locked the door behind them and they walked the short distance to her office.
Ashley was sitting at her desk when Phoebe and Mitchell walked in. “Good morning, boss. Coffee is ready. Everything is set up in the conference room for you. Mrs. Steele is already there.” Ashley handed Phoebe a new cell. “I got you a burner phone this time.”
“How?” Phoebe wouldn’t have the slightest idea where to get one.
“Jena Taylor suggested I do that instead of a regular phone.”
“Jena would know how to avoid contact after all her years of running from her ex,” Mitchell said.
“She’s not running any longer.” Ashley had become close to Jena over the past month. “Don’t forget her wedding is Saturday night at the chapel, boss. Seven sharp.”
“I won’t. Mom is catering the reception.”
“Boss, don’t give this number to anyone other than me and your family.” Ashley turned to Mitchell and smiled. “And men that you trust. No one else.”
“Got it.” Recalling the call from the stalker, Phoebe turned to Mitchell.
He grabbed her hands. “I’m not going anywhere, honey. I’ll wait out here until you’re done.”
Same Mitchell she’d always known. He could always read her mind.
“Thank you.”
He sent her a loving wink and then looked at Ashley. “How about some of that coffee? I could really use some.”
Ashley grinned. “Looks like you had a long night.”
“Don’t go there, Ash. Cart before the horse, if you know what I mean.”
“I always do know what you mean, boss. I also know what’s good for you. That’s why you pay me so well. You better get in there, Phoebe. I’ll take care of your man.”
“My man?” Phoebe smiled, loving the sound of those two words together. “I should dock your pay right now for insubordination.”
“Don’t you dare,” Mitchell jumped in. “She deserves a raise in my opinion.”
“Didn’t ask for your opinion, Mr. Wolfe,” she teased.
Ashley laughed. “Don’t listen to her, Mitchell. She knows I’m right. I have some cinnamon rolls I picked up from Blue’s earlier, too. How does that sound?”
“Perfect,” he said, taking a seat on the sofa. “I’m starving.”
Phoebe walked into the conference room, praying Ashley was right. “Hi, Jennifer.”
“Hello, counselor,” her client and friend answered.
Phoebe needed to get her head back to this case. Jennifer deserved her best. She was a strong woman. Losing Bill twelve years ago had crushed her, but she’d survived, taking charge of the vast ranching Steele Empire.
“How’s my case?”
“With the files I got from your vet showing your cattle had a clean bill of health, I believe we can get Braxton to drop this suit.” Phoebe took a seat. “I’ve interviewed several people involved in the sale and transportation of your cattle to their processing plant. I’ve got one thing left on my list. Ashley and I are going to Chicago next week to talk to their staff vet, the man who said your cattle tested positive for mad cow. I’m sure there’s been a mix-up. Once I see his files, this might be over then.”
Jennifer listened to every detail that she’d uncovered.