Page 39 of Velvet Lullabies
Max and Gemma handed her drinks between songs: Vodka Cranberries that were sour and contained more vodka than cranberry juice and burned her throat on the way down. She inhaled them though and waited for Max to begin strumming the guitar, a new verse for her to lose herself in. Jimmy, a mutual friend of her and Max sat alongside them using his hands to rhythmically beat the box drum in time with the song. The sound reverberated through Adelina.
This must be what heaven feels like.
She was sure of it.
Her confidence sky rocketed as she sang, she never felt sexier than when she was singing. The party goers around her engaged in conversation and swayed to the beat of the drum. Only a few were focused on her, but honestly, she could care less.
Then she looked up and there he was. In all of his black suited glory.
Lucian Luchese.
Chapter Fourteen
Four years at Columbia and never once did Lucian attend a party in the middle of the woods. Leave it to Adelina.
Thanks to his new connection with Joey, Lucian now knew Adelina’s plans even when she skipped out on her enforcers. Joey was still a smug, arrogant asshole but at least now he proved useful.
There was music coming from the woods, Lucian could hear it from the street he parked the car. The party was about a mile deep into the trees. He still couldn’t fathom why they did this, they were all old enough to drink without hiding in the forest, there was no logical reason that he could figure.
This was the kind of dumb thing that would get Adelina tracked down by the Irish.
When Lucian reached the party, he could finally see where the music was coming from: bubblegum’s guitar.
He could hear her voice before he saw her. She was singing a faster tune than she normally did, it was a duet with bubblegum.
There was a bonfire that the group was gathered around and in the middle of the woods with the fire and acoustic music Lucian couldn’t help but see the beauty in the setting. Or maybe it was just Adelina’s beauty.
She was leaning into bubblegum as she sang. It was a damn love song. Lucian had half the nerve to take out bubblegum right here, right now, but that would leave a lot of witnesses and a pissed fiancé.
That’s what she was to him, and damn, did he care about that title. For someone who had never entertained the thought of marriage, he felt damn protective of it now.
He moved closer, wanting Adelina to see him. She should be scared of him, scared of the thoughts that ran through his head, but damn that girl was anything but scared of him. She saw through everything.
She caught his eye just then and she sang the final note of the song. Bubblegum leaned in closer to her, pressing a slow kiss to her cheek.
Yeah, Lucian might risk killing him for that.
Adelina pushed him pack a little, whispering something before she stood up. Smart girl.
She walked straight to Lucian ignoring everyone in her path.
Bubblegum starting playing again, three new girls were crowded with him, taking turns singing verses of the new song.
“Am I in trouble?” She whispered the question right into ear.
Damn this girl.
“Should you be?” He retorted gazing down at her.
She smirked. “I did skip out on your goons.”
“That you did.” Roberto was going to be getting a new job because of her. Lucian would be sure to make sure it wasn’t a fun one.
“Didn’t tell you where I was going, but I guess that didn’t stop you from finding me.” Now she twirled a strand of hair around her finger.
Lucian could smell the alcohol on her breath. She was tipsy and the alcohol made her extra flirty.