Page 4 of Velvet Lullabies
And because of his death, the city was in chaos.
The Irish were encroaching on their territory, the men were at war, and Massimo couldn’t get control of anyone. So instead, he came to Lucian’s father with an offer, a marriage contract of sorts. Adelina would marry Lucian and in return, Lucian’s family would back them in the war against the Irish.
Lucian despised arranged marriages. He knew they were common in his world, his own parents had an arranged marriage, but they never planned to force it on their children.
“Love is love.” His mother had told him. It was not something someone else could choose for you.
Though his parents had a beautiful marriage and the years had only brought them closer together, they vowed to never force their children into one like they had been.
When his father received the offer, he told Lucian that he didn’t have to take it, but it he wanted to meet the girl, that was his choice.
He did.
There were many reasons.
Among them, Adelina Lucille DeMarco was gorgeous.
Tonight, she was all legs with a short leather mini skirt and sky-high heels. Her toned stomach peeked out beneath a sequin crop top, and her dark chocolate hair laid in loose waves down her back. She made this dive bar look not so bad. He imagined everything looked better with Adelina.
Her smile was infectious. She sipped a Long Island Ice Tea, the third that Lucian had counted, and laughed with her group of friends. From his view at the bar, Adelina looked almost like an average college student, but Lucian knew those brown eyes had seen more than their fair share of loss.
He was only on his second glass of whiskey when the pretty brunette he'd been eyeing all night came up beside him. He hadn't planned to stay so long but after watching Adelina dance he couldn't seem to leave. He watched for an hour as she fended off several attempts from the guys her age. Guys who were probably ten time less dangerous than him. Guys who would probably marry her and take her far away from the hell she called a family. Lucian probably should have let her go. He probably should have told her brother and his family to fuck off. But he wasn't that good of a guy.
"You've been staring at me." She said bluntly, setting her empty glass up on the bar.
"You're observant," he mused.
The corners of her lips turned upward into a smile. She was right, he had been staring at her. Maybe this is why he didn't do his own surveillance.
"So, tell me," She smirked with lush pink lips. "Do you like what you see?"
His cock perked at that. Damn, this girl.
"Has anybody ever told you no?"
She thought for a moment. "No," she smiled.
If her brother knew she used that pick-up line he would have her locked in a tower, but lucky for Lucian he wasn't here.
"So," she cooed. "Is that a yes."
Lucian took a slow sip from his whiskey. "Sweetheart, you are absolutely beautiful."
She smiled proudly. "Buy me a drink?"
Lucian knew damn well that she didn't need anyone to buy her a drink, her family had plenty of money. This was all just a game for her, but he was more than willing to play.
He flagged the bartender and ordered her another Long Island ice tea, and dropped a $20 on the bar for him.
She eyed up the twenty, taking a long sip from her fresh drink. "Who are you?"
"Lucian." He extended his hand for her to shake, which she laughed at.
She had no idea who he was. And now she was giving him some fake name, which made him assume she did this often.
This girl.