Page 60 of Velvet Lullabies
This wasn’t unique.
Especially in Lucian’s line of work.
But Adelina, Lucian didn’t think he could live with himself if anything happened to her. This was just another reason added to the list of how he couldn’t protect her.
Hell, maybe he couldn’t protect anyone.
His stomach was doing somersaults and his heart was beating way to fast.
He wasn’t used to feeling like this. Normally when something went wrong in his line of work he was the one with the clear head. He could sit back, assess, and plan. But today? Today, he was fucked.
“Why in the world would you two go out!” Gian scolded his sister. Did he think that was going to help? That maybe they could go back in time and Gemma and Adelina would suddenly know better than to go out clubbing when there were people out there trying to hurt them.
Because Lucian knew it wouldn’t.
Maybe he had kept her on to tight of a leash. Or maybe it wasn’t tight enough. Maybe he should have asked Ren for a report every 30 minutes instead of hourly. Maybe then he would have caught this. Maybe then he would have got there sooner.
He could go on with these thoughts all night. But it didn’t change a thing.
Adelina was gone.
How long did he have before they started mailing him body parts? Niall was a gruesome man, and he was still grieving which made this a dangerous conversation.
Lucian knew one thing though, he was going to get Adelina back.
“We need a plan.” He slammed his hands down on the table. “And Gian stop yelling at your sister, she made a mistake.”
Vinny scoffed from the corner. “A mistake that’s going to get my sister killed.”
Lucian’s eyes snapped up. He was across the room in three quick steps, hands gripped around Vinny’s neck. “Don’t ever fucking say that again.”
Vinny nodded beneath Lucian’s arms. The man was weak under pressure.
“We are going to get Adelina back safe. If we don’t, somebody’s blood is going to be spilled. Do I make myself clear?”
Lucian looked around the silent room where Enzo, Gian, Gio, Gemma, and his men watched.
“Now somebody come up with a damn plan.”
The plan was simple.
They were going to break into the O’Connor warehouse. Not the best plan Lucian had ever concocted, but the best one he had right now.
If it was anyone else, Lucian would have waited. Created a better plan, scouted the location, conducted more ground work.
But it was Adelina.
And the Irish had a grudge and a point to make.
There was no way he was leaving Adelina with them any longer than he already had.
So here he was, outside what looked to be an abandoned warehouse in the Southside of Boston’s underbelly with only a few men he trusted by his side.
His phone vibrated in his pocket. Enzo.
“Talk to me.” He answered.