Page 70 of Gio
Heart broken.
Is that what I want?
“Okay.” I whisper.
“Okay.” He repeats.
“One more thing…Will you tell me what we’re doing?”
He flashes a cocky grin. “Nope. You just follow my lead and don’t ask questions when we’re there, okay? We’re on a lime limit. Your one job is to go through the vent, what you’ve been practicing and then to the front door to open it. The vent will drop you ten feet from the door. You do this in under a minute.” He exhales. “And then we take the rest from there. After that all you have to do is get out and get in the car with us. Then you’re free.”
“Who are you robbing?” I ask.
He smiles again. “What makes you think it’s a robbery?”
“Tony looked like he was about to cut open a safe with that thing he had.”
He chuckles, the sound booms through the car. “Don’t worry about it.”
He navigates the car into my apartment’s parking lot. “I have something for you.” He reaches into the back seat and pulls a bag forward. “For this weekend, you’ll want it.”
“Thanks.” I take the bag and exit his car, leaving Gio and whatever semblance of a relationship we had behind.
I open the bag as soon as I get into my apartment. Inside is a leather jacket. It’s soft, not as soft as the worn leather of his jacket, but equally as nice. I pull a shoebox from the bag next. Inside are a pair of matching leather combat boots.
With these, I will definitely look the part.
Gio is already in the warehouse going over the plan with the guys when I finally arrive.
He sent one of his soldiers to collect me, apparently I’m no longer worthy of rides in the Porsche.
Then again, we did agree to part ways after tonight.
I’m sick in my stomach, it’s a mixture of nerves. Nerves because I have no idea what I’m getting into tonight, but also nerves because in a few hours I will never see him again.
I told him that was what I wanted, so why do I feel so sick over it?
He looks handsome, as always, in tight fitted black jeans, black boots, and his own signature leather jacket. I’m overwhelmed with the desire to run my hands over the leather. I know it's feeling by heart. Soft, worn out in areas, there's a snag by the zipper.
He stops when he sees me, his chocolate eyes find mine. We look similar in all black, me in my new jacket and boots with a tight pair of black leggings that I can move easily in. I pulled my hair into a half bun, so the bottom layers could flow easily. I even put on foundation and mascara along with my normal chapstick. I would deny it to my grave that I had dressed up for him, but the way his eyes lingered over me sent chills down my spine.
At least I’ll look good in his last memory of me.
I had to pump myself up in the mirror for nearly an hour before I was ready to go. Not just because I was going to see him, but also because I know we’re about to do something wrong. One time. I told myself. One time to do something wrong. Something really bad, and then I’ll never do it again.
I’m bargaining with myself. If I do a bad thing for a good reason, it’s okay. Right? That’s what I keep telling myself. Good people do bad things for good reasons.
I shook most of the car ride. That’s how I know that I have to let him go. I can’t dream about him, admire his good looks, or drool over his body - no, all of that has to be done. If I want to be a good person, then I need to let this fantasy of Gio changing for me go.
Men don’t change for women, I know this.
Still, every time my eyes linger on Gio, I want him. I want him to whisper sweet nothings in my ear while he strokes my pussy…
Stop - this is a dangerous road to go down.
He leaves the table he’s standing over with the guys to move closer to me. “You look good.” He gives me a cocky grin.
“Thanks,” I mutter.