Page 75 of Gio
“No!” I shake my head, insistent. “Go back, get him! What are you doing?”
I’m being irrational. I’m angry. I know they’re not going to listen to me, they only listen to Gio, but it’s not going to stop me from raging.
He doesn’t get to leave.
I want him in this car, I want him safe with me. This can’t be the way it ends.
“No,” I cry, this time weaker. A pathetic sob erupts from my lips.
I was absolutely ready to leave him behind this morning, but now? Now that he’s back there getting arrested, the thought of losing him is haunting.
It’s my fault.
I messed up, I fell wrong, and now Gio will suffer for my mistake.
I let the tears stream down my cheeks.
“It’s okay.” Charlie tries. “He’ll be fine, Annie. I’ve never seen a DelGado go down without a fight.”
“I’ve never seen a DelGado go down. Period.” Tony chips in.
I pray they’re right.
“Were you followed?” Gian’s questioning voice invades my senses before I can even process where we are.
The Escalade is in the semi-circle driveway in front of a huge mansion in the Providence suburbs. The neighborhood is filled with newer model houses that look out of place next to their Federal Hill neighbors. The one in front of me is a two story that looks to be no less than five thousand square feet. There are columns at the entry way that scream of wealth. The house itself is brick with white siding on the upper half. In the driveway is a BMW, a Lexus, and a Range Rover.
Anyone looking at this house would just see dollar signs.
“Nah,” Frank answers Gian’s question. “I had the kid drive around for a while just to be safe, no tails.”
“Good,” Gian has one hand on his hip, and the other arm is hanging from a sling. His jaw is curved downwards and his stance screams annoyance. He looks over me and Charlie leads me out of the car. “What happened to her?”
“I think she broke her ankle.” Charlie answers for me.
Gian scrubs a hand down his face. “God damn it. Get her inside.”
“Yeah, boss.”
“Get rid of that car.” He shouts at the kid. “Frank, go with him.”
“You got it, boss.” Frank gets back into the Escalade, leaving with the kid who drove us.
I wonder how they’ll get rid of the car. What does that mean? I want to ask, but the look on Gian’s face is volatile.
Charlie leans me into the mansion. The place is grand and beautiful. The walls are a warm shade of cream that blend well with the dark hardwoods. There are ornate decorations and tons of gold everywhere I look. I marvel as Charlie guides me back to a sitting room. He sits me down on the couch, places a pillow on the coffee table and guides my ankle onto the cushion.
“Dad,” Gian yells. “I need you to get Doc here.” He heaves a sign.
“What’s going on? Why are you yelling?” A half asleep, half dressed Gemma enters the room from the grand staircase.
Agitation flashes across Gian’s face. “Gemma, cazzo! Put some clothes on.”
She glances down at her red silk pajama shorts and matching camisole. “I was sleeping.”
“Clearly.” He huffs.
Gemma scans the room, landing her eyes on me and my propped up swollen ankle. Charlie has taken my boot off now, exposing it in all its inflated glory. “What the fuck happened?”