Page 80 of Gio
At least, we think he can’t prove that. We’re running on hope that there are no rats in our organization. You can really only prove one guy is a made man if you find another guy to admit la famiglia exists.
The ADA’s head whips to the side to face Ricky. “I will prove that. In court.” He says the words with disgust. “Your honor, Mr. DelGado has unlimited resources to leave the country. He will have no problem getting any amount set for bail and then he will be able to flee and the victim will be denied their day in court. Now, if you ask me that is an injustice to our legal system.”
I snort a laugh at hearing Robert Pearce be described as a victim.
That man’s not the victim here.
Baronni stops the DA’s rambling by holding up a wrinkly hand. “I agree. Bail denied.” He bangs the gavel.
I feel chaos swirling around me. My father and Ricky both jump from their seats, Ricky is yelling but the words don’t process in my ears.
The gavel yelled out again, and again.
It was over.
I look up at my father who is yelling and clearly pissed off. I’ve never seen him look like this. Giuseppe is normally calm and collected. He never screams like this.
A hand lands on my shoulder and I turn to face my brother. Annie is hiding behind him with wide eyes.
“It’s okay.” Gian mouthed. At least, I think he mouthed it. I can’t hear anything but the ringing in my ears.
There are reporters, tons of them outside the courthouse yelling at me, crying for my attention as they lead me to the prison bus.
“Mr. DelGado!” They call. “Gio!”
I can see the headlines now: Providence Mafioso Denied Bail - Ganger goes to Jail.
Gian is staring at me.
Instantly I let go of him, I hadn’t realized I’d grasped onto the sleeve of his suit jacket. The thing probably cost as much as my car. I pull my hands away only wring them together.
I’m not sure what just happened, but I know it’s not good by the way his father is screaming at the judge.
“They’re taking him?” I ask Gian frantically. “Now?”
They’re denying him bail. It’s the ominous they. I don’t know who they are. The government? The people?
All I know is they showed up in the form of two guards dressed in black uniforms grabbing onto Gio and leading him from the courtroom.
I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye. Or thank you.
“Come on.” Gian buttons his suit jacket and offers me a hand. He leads me from the courtroom. I’m still too shocked to process what just happened, but I know I have questions and I hope Gian has the answers.
He drives me back to the DelGado house.
“Come inside.” He tells me. My last two days have been like this, Gian and Giuseppe tell me what to do and I listen, too damn broken to do anything myself. I’ve never been taken care of before, so it’s weird to let two men take control, but it leaves me space in my mind to only worry about Gio.
Gian isn’t much for pleasantries since I came back from the failed job. He gives me short sentences and limited emotions, but that’s okay with me.
Gemma on the other hand laid with me all night as I cried. She says soothing things like “everything’s going to be alright” and “don’t worry about him”. I take comfort in her words. She also gives me clothes since I haven’t seen my apartment in days. I haven’t driven anywhere, done anything. I don’t want to.
“Gian,” I mutter as he leads me into the house. “I’m gonna-” I can barely get past him fast enough, through the grand entryway, and into the half bath on the first floor before I lose my stomach into the toilet. I’d been vomiting non-stop since the day of the robbery. My stomach is still in knots.
“Again?” I hear Gian’s voice from outside the bathroom.
“She’s sick.” This time it’s Gemma’s voice I hear.
“Is she puking again?” Giuseppe adds, he must’ve just gotten home.