Page 83 of Gio
As long as Annie is taken care of.
It took six months.
Six long months for Ricky and my dad to get the case thrown out on a technicality.
Six long months behind bars waiting to touch my girl, see my family, and meet my baby. Well, the baby isn’t born yet, so at least I haven’t missed that.
But I’ve missed so much else, and that kills me.
I wanted to see every second of Annie’s pregnancy. I wanted to be there every time she was sick or had a weird craving. I wanted to be the one driving to the store at midnight for pickles and ice cream.
I’m thankful for my family though, who have been doing all those things in my place. Apparently Gemma has a whole wardrobe purchased for the kid. Gian did all of the midnight snack runs, and my father brought Annie into his home. That last one was at my request, I couldn’t stand the idea of her being alone right now. Her brother is still in rehab and she’s alone in that apartment downtown. I needed to know she was safe, so staying with my family was the best way to do that. Plus, they adore her.
“Sign here.” Tasha, one of the guards, handed me my release papers. A few signatures and I was out the door wearing a fresh suit Gian dropped off for me.
I feel good.
A little exhausted. Tired from sleeping with my eyes open, eating shitty food, and having to guard myself in the shower, but mostly good.
Jail was no vacation, but feeling the fresh air in my lungs and the hot sun hitting my face I feel free for the first time in a while.
I can’t wait to see my girl, take a hot shower, and never leave the bed.
A minute later the gate opens revealing a black BMW with my brother leaning against it.
“Good to see you,” Gian pulls me in for a hug. “You look better like this, orange wasn’t really your color.” He grins.
“Ha-ha.” I hug him back. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get you home.”
The “home” he takes me too is my father's house, where Annie is.
“Hey,” he grabs my shoulder before I can open the door and finally see my girl. “I got you the thing you wanted.” He tosses me a black velvet covered box.
“Thank you.” I pocket it for later.
“Surprise!” She yells when I enter, throwing her arms out. My eyes lock on her, blocking out everything else. Her blonde hair is longer now, her ankle mostly healed and the bootie is gone, and her bright smile is infectious as she walks towards me. She’s wearing a pastel pink dress with the leather jacket I bought her over it. She has a bump, a very big bump, but she looks absolutely amazing. Better even. I might love her more with my child inside her, I didn’t even know that was possible.
My fucking child.
I grin. I can’t keep her out of my arms a second longer. I wrap my them around her bringing her into my grasp and hold her like that for a long while. Inhaling her flowery scent and admiring her beautiful body.
Damn, I love this woman.
“Don’t be mad.” She gives me a sheepish look.
“Why would I ever be mad at you, sweetheart?” I meet her blue eyes, how I missed looking into them, and plant a kiss on her forehead.
“Gemma wanted a party. There are people outside.”
I look up, noticing the party decor and my sister smiling behind her.
“Couldn’t stop her.” Gian throws up his hands. “Sorry, man.”
“It’s small.” Annie tries to tell me.
“Come on!” Gemma whines, “We have people waiting to cut this cake.”