Page 2 of Tough Love: Episode 2
A vacation?
(Duke and Wilt keep walking into the crowd and a thief “accidently” bumps into Duke. Cut to a close up of Duke’s back pocket as the thief slides Duke’s wallet out of the pocket. Cut back to a medium shot of the two.)
Don’t worry about it. (Turns to Wilt after the thief walks away.) What an asshole.
You remembered to bring the passports and stuff right?
Yeah, I got them right here. (Duke reaches for his back pocket but quickly realizes that his wallet is now missing. He turns around in the direction of the thief.) That jerk stole my wallet!
(Cut to a full shot showing the thief in the crowd starting to run and Duke chasing after him. Then cut to a point-of-view shot of someone watching the thief run from a distance. The person watching aims a gun at his leg and fires. Cut back to the full shot as the bullet goes through the thief’s leg and he falls to the ground. Duke catches up to him but stops when the thief pulls out a knife.)
(Hobbling back up to a standing position.) S-stay back!
(Cut to a medium shot of the thief as the sound of someone walking with spurred boots is heard and a man walks onscreen. From this angle you can only see him from the back.)
Why don’t you make me?
(Burt runs at the thief and the thief tries to cut him with the knife. Burt grabs the thief’s arm and twists it until he drops the knife then punches him in the face. The thief falls to the ground. He weakly tries to get back up but Burt slams his boot down on his chest and he passes out.)
Humph, wimp.
(Cut to a full shot of the area as Duke and Wilt approach Burt. Burt hands Duke his wallet then takes his gun and starts wiping it off with a piece of cloth.)
That was badass!
How did you get away with bringing a gun into an airport?
I didn’t. The thief pulled the gun on me and it went off in the struggle. (Burt removes the loaded clip from the gun and unceremoniously drops the emptied weapon on the ground near the thief’s unconscious body.) The names Burt by the way.
(As they talk airport security comes and takes the thief away. One of the security guards approaches Burt.)