Page 4 of Tough Love: Episode 3
(Turning back to Jasmine.) Humph. Then go ahead and stay here looking suspicious if you like. I don’t really need you here anyway. I just thought that this would be a good chance for you to hone your combat skills.
Mistress, I-
Relax. I’ll return shortly.
(Cut to a full shot of the beach. The Mistress starts walking away as the scene fades out.)
(Scene opens with a full shot of a hospital room. Duke is lying in a bed with Wilt, Lana, Oblex, and a doctor standing around him. Duke has a bandage on his broken nose and around the arm that was shot.)
You were very lucky Mr. Butchmann. The bullet that struck your shoulder missed the bone completely so we should be able to have you out of here in no time.
Thank you doctor.
(The doctor exits.)
So you were attacked by a bounty hunter? How Exciting!
Please. He may have been shot but there’s no bounty hunter after him. His life is not that interesting. He probably just slept with someone’s wife.
(A nurse walks in carrying a tray of medical supplies. Cut to a medium shot of the nurse and Duke as the nurse sets the tray down on a table near Duke. Duke leans up in his bed a little to look at her. The nurse turns her head and smiles back at Duke. Cut back to a full shot with all of the characters. Wilt rushes the nurse out of the room.)
Can we get a male nurse please!
(To Oblex) Anyway, don’t we have more important things to do?
(To Lana) Of course. (To Duke) So! How’d you two meet?
Oh… (Awkward) We, uh, used to date in high school.
(All stand in awkward silence.)
(Cheerfully) Well it’s nice to see that you all ended on good terms.