Page 2 of Tough Love: Episode 4
This is the first I’ve heard of it.
Anyway, I’m not quite sure that having Duke around is the best idea.
Why not? We don’t even have our permit to start digging yet and thanks to him we already have the means to uncovering the archeological find of the century!
Yeah. I got that part but what you’re not getting is that Duke is just… The Worst!
The worst?
Look, he made me very unhappy for a long time and for whatever reason a small part of me has stayed hung up on him ever since we broke up. Then about four days ago I had this sudden realization that my life would be so much better if he simply wasn’t a part of it. I just don’t think that this is what’s healthy for me right now.
(Oblex stops making pancakes and turns to face Lana.)
How about this? I’ll spend today deciphering the map so we can get through this thing as quickly as possible. I’ll credit you as head of the research team and once this is over you’ll be able to land any job you want, anywhere in the world. But I want you to take Duke and his friend to go over the temples we had scheduled for today instead of me. And I want you all to try and get along too. (Hands Lana the plate of pancakes.) Deal?
(Takes plate begrudgingly.) Deal.
(Cut to a medium shot of Duke and Wilt back in the living room. Wilt is now awake and sitting next to Duke on the couch.)
C’mon! Just play the game. I told you mine.
Alright, fine! I’d kill the Mistress, marry Jasmine, and do Kim.
Wait, which one was Kim again?
(Wilt points to the black eye Duke got from Kim. Cut to a full shot as Lana and Oblex walk in.)
Alright you two, listen up. Now that you work for us you’re going to start pulling your own weight. Eat fast because you’re going to the temples with me in an hour. (Sets the plate of pancakes on the table in front of Duke and Wilt. Then turns to walk away but stops.) Oh, and I get first dibs on the shower. I don’t need you guys fouling it up before I have a chance to get ready.
(Lana exits.)
We’re both very excited to have you onboard. She just has a… different way of showing it.
(Oblex exits then the camera cuts to a medium shot of Duke and Wilt.)