Page 9 of Tough Love: Episode 4
Akrivós! Anyway, I’m still going to need more time. It will definitely be worth it though. This line here describes it as “The map of all maps”.
Alright let’s go through that shelf you call a library and see if we can’t find something to speed this process along.
(Cut back to the full shot. Lana and Oblex exit moments before Duke walks in through the front door. Wilt stops playing around with his game and looks at Duke. Duke appears to be very tired.)
So, did you sleep over at Selene’s place last night or did you grind on a few more people before finally crashing?
I did a lot of things over at Selene’s place but sleeping wasn’t one of them. This girl was a freak! She kept me up all night with her-
I don’t need to know! You look like shit by the way.
I might be a little sleep deprived but I can just walk that off. Is Lana here?
(Duke takes off his shirt and starts doing push-ups on the floor.)
Yeah but what are you doing?
When a woman sees a man performing a feat of strength her hypothalamus automatically releases a chemical called oxytocin. This chemical causes her to experience emotions such as trust and empathy which all make it easier for me to get in her pants.
You know all of that and yet somehow you still failed high school biology.
Shh! Here she comes.
(Lana walks back into the living room. Duke starts grunting loudly to make Lana notice that he is doing push-ups.)
Put on a shirt
you slut.
Oh Lana! I didn’t know you’d be here.
(Sigh) Don’t forget, we’re going back to the temples on Thursday so we can examine the relics further using my equipment.