Page 2 of Tough Love: Episode 5
Hey that one wasn’t my fault! This little black spot wouldn’t come off so I just scrubbed it a little harder.
Why did I even bother giving you chores?
I don’t know what you’re so mad about. Now the dish is clean. Every single piece of it!
(Cut to a one shot of Wilt as he sits up and groans in frustration. Cut to the sleeping quarters of the Disciple’s Lair. Pan across the room starting from the window as light shines inside. Zoom in on Jasmine sleeping in her bed as the light reaches her face. Cut to a one shot of Jasmine as she opens her eyes, sits up, looks out of the window and sighs. Cut to a full shot of the kitchen in Oblex’s study where Wilt walks in to calm Duke and Lana down.)
Guys, relax. I’ll just do the dishes and Duke can go do something else.
(Duke walks out of the room. Cut to a one shot of Jasmine wearing a black jumpsuit and opening her dresser drawer. Cut to a close-up of her purple cloak laying in the drawer. Cut back to the one shot as she pulls the cloak out of the dresser and swings it around her body to put it on. The cloak fills up the shot then cut to a shot showing one side of a hallway. There is an open doorway where the Mistress can be seen sparring with three other disciples of Aphrodite. Jasmine and the disciple, Gale, walk past each other in the hallway. Jasmine is now wearing her cloak.)
Good morning, sister.
(Jasmine nods back at Gale. Cut back to a full shot of Oblex’s living room. Oblex walks in from upstairs. After hearing the sound of Oblex entering Duke comes in from off-screen and hurries past him.)
Hey, Jolly Jugs! I’m heading out. Wilt can cover the rest of my chores.
Ok, Happy… uh… Hemorrhoids! Have fun!
(Duke strolls out of the front door. After hearing the door slam shut Wilt comes out of the kitchen and looks at Oblex in bewilderment.)
Professor!?! What the hell was that?
Oh, who could say no to that guy? He’s just so charming!
(Cut to Jasmine polishing a shrine to Aphrodite that other disciples are kneeling at. Another disciple, Anne, walks by.)
Good morning, sister.
(Jasmine nods back at Anne. Cut to Oblex’s living room where Wilt is cleaning the coffee table with disinfecting spray. Lana is sitting on the couch and angrily flipping through a book while ranting to him.)
I can’t believe he just took off like that again. As soon as he gets back I am going to force him to pull his own weight around here. I mean, where does he even go all of the time?
Remember, he’s had kind of a rough week. Try and take it easy on him.