Page 4 of Tough Love: Episode 5
Hey! Did she tell you where she was going?
(Duke shakes his head in confusion.)
You lying sack of shit!
(Cut to a full shot as the tourist punches Duke in the Adam’s apple then runs after Venom. Duke chokes softly while Lana snickers.)
(Sarcastic) You sure do have a way with women.
(Choking) Shut up!
(Scene opens with a shot of the Mistress and Jasmine. Jasmine is striking and blocking a wooden dummy with rotating arms while the Mistress stands nearby with her arms crossed and a disapproving look on her face. Jade enters the room carrying a security tape. The Mistress uncrosses her arms and approaches Jade. Cut to a shot of Jade and the Mistress where Jasmine is in the background. Jasmine stops the dummy’s rotating arms to look over at them.)
I’ve returned. (Handing the Mistress the tape.) All evidence of my time at the museum is left on this security tape.
Would it not have been easier to disable the security camera’s before going in like we all did last time? (To Jasmine) I didn’t say stop by the way!
(Jasmine returns to striking and blocking the dummy.)
I figured this would give me a chance to better review my performance.
Excellent idea. (To Jasmine) Faster! (To Jade) And what of the map?
(Cut to a close-up of
Jasmine as she looks over at Jade with disdain before picking up her pace. Cut to a medium shot of Jade and the Mistress.)
It has been acquired by the cursed one and his companion. I’ve tracked them to the home of a local archeologist by the name of Oblex. I’m awaiting further instruction before engaging.
Good work, Jade. I’ll see if I can’t catch them when their alone and retrieve the map.
Thank you, Mistress.
(Cut to a full shot of the room as Jade walks away and the scene fades out.)