Page 7 of Tough Love: Episode 5
(To Lana) My folks gave me a different one but they’re all a bit too posh for my taste. (To Duke) By the way, you wouldn’t ‘appen to still have that necklace I nicked from the old bird would you?
(Duke pulls the necklace out of his pocket and Venom snatches the necklace out of Duke’s hand to admire it.)
Ooh! I can tell we’re gonna get along just fine. (Pause) So I ‘ate be’n forward and all, but you wouldn’t ‘appen to know of any place that I could stay tonight would you? I’m fairly new in town.
Sorry, we don’t have any room to spare but there are some lovely low-budget motels across the street from here.
(Smugly) Hold on, Lana. Didn’t the old man say that he’d just finished turning the library into a guest room?
That’s perfect!
(Lana glares at Duke as the scene fades out.)
(Scene opens with a full shot of Oblex’s living room. Lana is sitting on the couch looking at some papers and books that she has spread out on the coffee table. Venom comes in from the library/guest room with her hair disheveled and wearing a black skirt.)
Whatcha read’n?
The positive and negative geological effects produced by Greek architecture during the mid to late archaic period. Volume 6.
(Sarcastic) Now that’s some kinda sexy.
It’s a bit odd seeing a woman walking out on Duke before he gets the chance to.
(Venom grabs her shoes and sits down in a chair positioned across from Lana.)
I won’t be gone long. I just can’t go to a tourist spot like this and stay cooped up in one place. You’re welcome to join me if your book runs a bit dull.
(Venom puts a foot on the coffee table while tying one of her shoes. Cut to a point-of-view shot from Venom as Lana looks up from her papers and accidently up Venom’s skirt. Cut to a medium shot of Lana and Venom.)
No that’s fine I... Whoa!
(Venom follows Lana’s gaze and then quickly puts her foot back down.)