Page 4 of Tough Love: Episode 6
y goes back to her desk. The Mistress holds out her hand to shake the mayor’s. They shake hands.)
Uh, sure. It was no problem at all. (Pause) That’s quite a firm grip you’ve got there.
(He lets go of the Mistress’s hand and starts rubbing his own like it is sore. Both the Mistress and the mayor take a seat. Cut to a medium shot of the two. The Mistress removes a pen from behind her ear to write on her clipboard.)
So I’m told. Tell me, to what do you owe your success?
Why to the fine people of this island of course. Without them all of my efforts would be meaningless. In fact, this year I plan to cut taxes and increase funds for schools and support programs.
(Bored) Uh huh. (Notices the pin on the mayor’s shirt collar.) That’s an interesting pin you’ve got there. What can you tell me about that?
(Cut to a close-up of the pin then pan out to a one shot of the mayor as he talks.)
Oh this? It’s called the Brooch of Peace. It’s just a little trinket that gets passed down to each mayor in office. If you look closely it’s got the word “Peace” inscribed on it. That’s to remind us of what the end goal of our campaign always is.
That’s all I needed to hear.
(Cut to a full shot of the room as the Mistress stands up and throws a knife, killing the mayor. She walks over to the mayor’s body and removes the pin which she puts in her pocket. She then turns to look at the secretary who is cowering in the corner.)
You seem like a reasonable woman. Why don’t we keep this just between us girls?
(The secretary runs over to the mayor’s desk and hits a button under the table. Alarms start blaring and then the secretary runs screaming out of the room. Cut to a one shot of the Mistress as she takes off her glasses and lets down her hair as she talks.)
Great. These alarms are going to give
me such a migraine.
(Cut to a close-up tracking shot of her heels being thrown across the floor. Fade into next scene.)
(Scene opens on an establishing shot going down an empty hallway in the Disciples Lair. Jasmine opens one of the doors in the hallway and walks out into the shot. Cut to a shot of Jasmine as the disciple, Kim, walks past her in the hallway.)
Good morning, sister.
(Jasmine nods back at Kim and watches her walk away. Once she is gone cut to a tracking shot of Jasmine as she walks down the hallway. She stops at the door to the Mistress’s room. She looks both ways before opening the door and walking inside. Cut to a full shot of the Mistress’s room as Jasmine steps inside and closes the door behind her. Jasmine looks around for a moment until she finds the Mistress’s nightstand. Jasmine walks over to it. Cut to a close up of the nightstand as Jasmine’s hands are seen opening the top drawer. She fiddles with the drawer until the sound of the false bottom lifting free is heard. Cut to a one shot of Jasmine. She pulls a black notebook out of the drawer and stares at it. Cut to next scene.)
(Cut back to City Hall and a shot of three of the mayor’s guards talking in a circle back down in the lobby which has been evacuated.)