Page 9 of Tough Love: Episode 6
Let me see that!
(The Mistress steps over to Lana and reaches for the pill. Lana steps back further and raises the pill to her lips.)
If I bite it then this little adventure is over! For all of us.
(The Mistress takes a deep breath and tries to contain her rage. Again, she steps closer to Lana. Cut to a medium shot of the two.)
Then it appears as though we have reached an impasse.
It would appear so. What do you suggest we do about it?
(The Mistress pauses to think for a moment before responding.)
May I use your phone?
(Scene opens with a shot of Jasmine and Jade walking up to the front door of Oblex’s study. Cut to a close up of the door as they open it and step inside. Cut to a full shot inside of the living room. The Mistress is sitting on the couch while Duke, Wilt, and Lana are standing on the other side of the room. The Mistress turns her attention from the others to address Jasmine and Jade.)
Ah, you’re finally here. We have a situation. I have thus far been unable to reach any kind of agreement with the cursed one. Therefore, one of you will have to be locked in a room with one of them until a compromise can be reached.
Let me do it. (Cracks knuckles) I’ll get them to cooperate.
I doubt that we can afford to be so… blunt. (Pause) Jasmine, this could be an excellent opportunity for you to make up for your previous mistakes.
Whatever you think is best.
Then it’s settled. (To Duke) Now, who among you would like to be sealed away for however long it takes to sort this mess out?
(Scene opens with a shot of Wilt looking at a steel door as the Mistress closes it. Cut to a close-up of Wilt’s face as the sound of several locking mechanisms being put in place is heard. Cut to a full shot of a room with no windows and a table which Jasmine is sitting at. Wilt sighs and walks over to the table. Cut to a medium shot of the two.)
They could have had the decency to poke a few air holes before shoving us in this jar.