Page 3 of Manifest Destiny
Then it looks as if we must move up our time table. We march on the forest tomorrow!
The mystic chief is meditating by a small pool of water when Virgil walks up behind him.
VIRGIL You sent for me?
Ah Virgil! Come and sit with me.
Virgil takes a seat on the other side of the pool.
I trust that hunting went well this morning. After Janora was finished harassing you of course.
She means well. Competition is in her nature. But I doubt that’s what you’ve been meditating all day about.
MYSTIC CHIEF Indeed not. I’ve seen that the weasel’s warning was more than a simple fear tactic. The barbarians
MYSTIC CHIEF (cont’d) will come for us soon. As will the alchemists. What we need now is someone who can protect both our people and the relic. However, none of my hunters have ever seen true combat. None but you.
I was only a child. That hardly makes me qualified to lead an army.
MYSTIC CHIEF Maybe so, but I’ve watched you accomplish great things since you came to my village. I know you must be frightened, but you know better than anyone what will happen if we get caught in the crossfire of those two armies.
I’m not frigh
tened. Not anymore!
MYSTIC CHIEF In that case, I have something to show you.
The chief stands up and removes an object wrapped in cloth from his satchel. He unwraps the object to reveal that it is a knife with the third relic acting as the pommel. He offers it to Virgil. Virgil walks over to the chief and reaches for the knife.
When Virgil touches the handle everything around him goes into slow motion, even the sound of the wind blowing. He sees a leaf falling from a tree, slowly. He throws the knife, pinning the leaf to the tree’s trunk. Normal speed returns. Virgil shakes his head and looks back at the chief.
I can’t. Hunting is one thing. Every kill has a purpose. But what would I be accomplishing in battle?
Your people need you Virgil.
Give the knife to Janora. She’s a better fighter than me anyway.
Virgil walks away solemnly, leaving the chief alone.