Page 14 of Unbridled Temptation
“How rude,” Jocelyn mumbled.
“Hope to see you later on, Reggie,” Kendall said, but didn’t mean it.
Once he’d turned the corner and was out of sight, Kendall whirled around to face them. “You realize how lucky you are, right?”
Logan shrugged. It was clear he didn’t give a shit about Reggie or what he might do. If it hadn’t been for Jocelyn’s quick thinking, Kendall would have had one more thing on his plate to deal with today. They both came away from the wall a few more steps. Jocelyn was closer.
“Quick thinking.”
“I’ve read his blog before. The word ‘melodramatic’ comes to mind. And also ‘sensationalistic.’” She shrugged. “In my opinion, he’s an annoying pest on the hunt for scandalous stories that aren’t necessarily true.”
“I agree. Thank you,” he said, studying her features and trying to memorize them.
“You’re welcome…Sheriff.” She grinned. They hadn’t been formerly introduced.
“I’m Kendall.”
“Jocelyn,” she added quickly. He nodded. He already knew her name. And also what she tasted like. That sudden spike of lustful memory hit him like a hammer blow to the head. He blinked, unable to think of anything else intelligent to say.
Her warm smile focused in his direction made him lose his mind for a moment. Maybe action was better anyway. He stepped closer. Grabbing both of her hands, Kendall quickly gripped her fingers tightly, wound her arms around her back, and trapped them behind her.
He took a step forward, pushing her along, and pressed her against Logan’s chest. The sudden alarm in her expression at being sandwiched between them didn’t make her try to escape. She glanced to one side briefly as her body connected with both of them. And her eyes widened, but that was her only reaction. Not fearful. Not like she wanted him to stop.
Kendall threw caution to the wind, lowered his head, and kissed her hard and fast like he’d wanted to earlier at the stagecoach robbery.
She moaned in his mouth, engaging him further. Kendall knew he should go, knew he had other places to be, knew he shouldn’t be kissing this woman in broad daylight with Reggie on the loose. Reluctantly, he pulled away after several heart-pounding moments. By then, they were both breathing hard.
Her sultry gaze blasted him with such a poignant look of longing and lust, he kissed her again. Logan gripped her shoulders, his forehead resting against her hair as he held her so Kendall could kiss her senseless.
From the street behind him, Kendall heard sudden shouts and gunfire from the direction of the town’s bank. He released Jocelyn as if she’d scalded him.
“Sorry to kiss and run, but I’m late.”
“Late?” she asked, still panting.
“I’ve got to go take care of some bank robbers.” He truly didn’t want to leave. He wanted to take her to their private home in their secure compound and finish what had been started in this alley.
More gunfire erupted. Kendall hesitated.
Logan said, “Didn’t you just mention that you have bank robbers to catch?”
Kendall nodded. “I do.” He smiled at her quickly, then turned and ran into the street. By the time he’d gotten to the area outside the bank, the robbers had made it down the street a ways. The two bandits were almost out of the range they usually operated for this mock battle before Kendall showed up.
Luckily the mock thieves hadn’t gotten on their horses yet. He might have had to shoot them in the back to stop them.
“Stop right there!” he shouted to the mock bank robbers. “Put your guns down and surrender.”
Both men spun around, dropped their burlap sacks which clunked to the ground beside them, and then they each drew on him and fired a round.
He pulled his pistol quickly, fired two shots and they both went down. The acrid scent of gunpowder, from the specially created blanks he’d shot, rose around him.
On cue, several men from the nearby shop where the undertaker operated came out with handmade pine boxes, loaded the robbers into them, and propped them up against the wall of the bank. A few more pictures were taken as the bank robbers played dead, then the workers covered the pine boxes, hiding the robbers, still clad in their kerchiefs hiding their faces, and carried them away.