Page 26 of Unbridled Temptation
“Oh. Oh. Ohmigod!” Her back arched, testing the tight limit of her restraint. One second later he felt the rhythmic pulses of her orgasm squeezing his cock. He pulled his hand away from her clit, buried his cock all the way inside her pussy, and spanked her bare ass with his open palm. Fuck, that sounded so good.
She sucked in a deep breath and screamed. The very sound of slapping her ass was what finally pulled the incredible orgasm from him. His cock surged forward, lodging deeply into her slick, tight, hot, perfect pussy. His fingers pumped in and out of her ass faster and harder.
Logan stiffened as two rounds of intense foreplay sent his cock into a frenzy of fucking. The power of his release was echoed in his epic growl of satisfaction.
He was shaking by the time he stopped moving. He pulled his fingers gently from her ass, but then didn’t have the strength to move away. He bent forward, pressing his gratified weight against her back. She flattened beneath him and he landed on top. They were both breathing hard.
When he finally caught his breath, he pulled away and stepped to the tiny bathroom hidden in the wall panel in one corner. He cleaned up and returned quickly.
Her face was turned away as he approached. He gently rolled her from her belly and onto her back. Tears rolled from her eyes, disappearing into her hairline. His heart lodged in his chest at the thought of her unhappiness. Fuck. Had she said the safe word and he’d been so occupied with fucking her senseless that he hadn’t heard it?
Logan brushed one teardrop away with his thumb. She didn’t shy away from him. That was good he supposed. He was almost afraid to ask, but managed, “Why the tears?”
Her watery gaze went to his eyes, but before she could answer, Logan heard the loud immediate sound of boots clomping on the stairs. He slid his weak and satiated body over to cover her nudity, right before the door to the outside popped wide open and a large figure stepped inside.
Chapter Four
Kendall burst into the room on the second floor of the stable, hoping it was empty and then not quite registering the scene before him when he finally focused his eyes on the open sofa bed.
Jocelyn was manacled to the head of the bed. Logan was on top of her, and both of them were buck naked. Kendall’s cock snapped to attention so quickly, he thought it might have been damaged in the process with the ache he soon felt. But possibly it was due to the lust now beating a hard rhythm through his body.
“What are you doing up here?”
Logan stroked a hand leisurely down Jocelyn’s body from breast to thigh. “It’s been way too long since you fucked someone if you can’t figure out what’s going on here, Kendall. We were just getting acquainted.”
Kendall put his focus on her face and saw something very alarming.
“Is that so? Then why is she crying?” He stepped forward until his knees bumped the edge of the bed.
“I don’t know yet. You interrupted me.”
Jocelyn sniffed a couple of times, closed her eyes, and that’s when he noticed the deep blush in her cheeks. In fact, her whole body was blushing. She turned her face away from his regard. Logan kissed her neck and whispered something in her ear that Kendall didn’t hear.
Kendall rested his hands on his hips, but what he really wanted to do was dislodge Logan from on top of her, secure Jocelyn’s ankles to the bed and fuck her silly. He shook his head to dispel the visceral vision of it now dancing in his mind.
Jocelyn turned her head and looked into Logan’s eyes. She sniffed once, sobbed, and said, “I liked round two better than round one.” The sobbing continued.
“What’s wrong with that?”
When she stopped crying long enough to speak, the rambling started. “The thing is when I fucked you and you put your thumb on my clit and then sucked my nipples, it was the best sex I’ve ever had. But then you didn’t come and so I felt really horrible that you hadn’t because you couldn’t feel as amazing as I did, so it was easy to say, ‘Sure, tie me up and fuck me,’ because I felt like I owed you, but then you did things that I didn’t expect. Things that no person on earth has ever done to me, but it felt so good that I let you do it anyway, and then I wanted to come again, but you told me I couldn’t, but I really wanted to, and I almost let go a couple of times, but then you said my name, and your voice was so wonderful, that I lost it and climaxed before you told me I could.