Page 56 of Unbridled Temptation
“You wouldn’t actually tease us with the promise of a round-two sexual experience and then not stay for it, would you?” Kendall’s seductive voice stroked her libido like he’d physically touched her.
Shooting a quick gaze to Kendall’s face, Jocelyn saw he wasn’t angry or disappointed. He looked as turned on as she was.
Logan moved closer and rested his chin on her shoulder. He kissed the sensitive spot on her neck next to her ear before taking her lobe between his teeth for a nip. A pulse of lust went from where he nibbled on her straight to her pussy. A gush of moisture shot into her panties as her legs went weak.
“Doesn’t what you plan involve trust? You’re never going to trust me again.”
“That’s not necessarily true. Besides, the trust involved in this particular case is yours, Jocelyn. The question you need to be concerned about is whether you trust us to tie you down. Will you let us bind you and then obey each and every command we deliver until round two is complete?”
Kendall wanted her with a desire he was only barely in control of. The mere feminine scent of her put his libido over the top. He’d promise almost anything to ensure she stayed and let them seduce her for the round-two pleasures that had been circling in his head for a week. He’d even forgive her for hacking into his system. He believed that she’d merely been looking for information to locate her sister.
He’d been furious when the first hack had registered, but at the time he certainly hadn’t been worried about a sultry siren trying to find her sister. Even before she told him the reason for her invasion, he’d forgiven her. She didn’t have a conniving bone in her body. She wasn’t trying to corrupt their security or track down one of the owners for a nefarious plan or to ruin anyone. Besides, loyalty to family was understandable and loyalty to siblings was a class in and of itself. What would he do for Clay? What had he already done for Clay?
“I want to trust you,” she said quietly, but the tremble in her voice belied that statement. “But now I’m afraid because of what I’ve done. And what’s worse is that you found out before I could be the one to tell you.”
“Let’s discuss what you did, get all of that out of the way, and then move on to our…wicked pleasures,” Kendall said.
“Okay.” The uneven tone of her voice made him promise himself to ensure she knew he’d truly understand whatever further explanation she gave.
“First of all, what did you expect to find in our computer?”
She pushed out a long sigh. “The address and any information on my sister’s boyfriend, Dean.”
“And when you peeked, did you find anything on our system?”
“Not the first time, but the second time…possibly.” She dropped her head and stared at the floor. “I found his name on a document in an old file buried on your hard drive. But I didn’t have time to look at it. I don’t even know if it will help with my goal or not. At this point, I find my actions truly ridiculous. The lengths to which I’ve gone in this personal matter, whether forgiven or not, have been ludicrous.”
“Let’s chalk it up to family issues.”
She shrugged, but didn’t look at him.
Kendall tipped her chin up until their eyes met. “Why don’t we go take a look?”
Her lids narrowed with suspicion. “What?”
“I’ll let you take a look at the files on our computer, and get what you need.”
“Really? Why?”
“While I’m not condoning what you did, if you’re simply searching for information to find your sister—and not the utter destruction of my livelihood or ruination of my personal domain—then I can at least allow you to take a longer look.”
Her face transformed from dismayed to hopeful. “Thank you. That’s really nice of you considering everything.”
He smiled and gestured to the computer on the desk. Jocelyn walked around and seated herself. Both he and Logan settled on either side of her.
She shifted the wireless keyboard toward him. “Login and password.”
“You can’t do it?” he asked with a laugh.