Page 63 of Unbridled Temptation
Being unable to see truly made all her other senses work overtime to fill in. Four masculine hands smoothing over her body, two cocks filling her, and her previous two orgasms served to add momentum to this round-two experience. She loved it. Loved being sandwiched between them. Wished it wouldn’t end, but knew it had to.
Kendall looped an arm across her chest, slammed his cock into her butt deeply, and stiffened against her back, groaning in pleasure. Two strokes later, Logan, with his hands gripping her hips, pushed all the way inside and growled.
Seconds later all three of them were panting like they’d just completed a marathon.
“Round two rocks,” she managed to whisper.
Logan buried his face at her throat and kissed his way to her ear. “That’s the truth.”
Kendall nibbled the back of her neck, but didn’t speak.
Jocelyn thought of something that made her giggle. “I’m going to have to give that set of butt plugs a really good rating when I fill out the survey questionnaire they sent me after my purchase.”
Chapter Ten
Logan woke in the early the next morning more relaxed and feeling better than he had in a week. Jocelyn being curled up next to him in bed was probably the reason why his mood was lifted. They’d managed two more rounds of amazing pleasure after the initial double penetration sex with her bound and blindfolded. Logan shuddered with renewed lust just thinking about it.
He turned to watch her serene face as she slept. She was so beautiful he wanted to keep her. Would she stay? Did she want a future with them? Could they persuade her? He wasn’t sure.
Jocelyn had a life well away from Montana. Not the least of which included a mission to find her sister. He should count himself lucky that she’d returned to finish what had been started a week ago. And he did count himself lucky, but found he wanted more.
He certainly understood her drive to not only succeed with her short-term goal, but also to run her obviously successful computer security business. However, his feelings of attachment, while alien in many ways, were very strong. He wanted this amazing woman in their lives. Logan hadn’t felt this way in so long his memory was rusty.
Could he erase his long-standing no permanent woman rule and make a life with Jocelyn? Staring at her beautiful face, Logan knew he wanted to give it a shot.
He stroked her arm with gentle fingertips, not wanting to wake her, but wanting to enjoy touching her while he still could. For all the time they’d spent together, and his newfound feelings of attachment, the three of them still hadn’t discussed any kind of future. And Logan realized that he truly wanted one with her. Whatever it took.
Carefully separating himself from her, Logan stared at her for quite a while, a goofy smile shaping his lips. Was he in love with her? Yes. He was.
He glanced at the clock, noting the early time, grabbed his pants—so carelessly discarded last night in favor of three rounds of perfect sexual bliss—and quietly exited the room. He headed downstairs to the kitchen for a cup of coffee.
He also needed to make a call to ensure either Zane or Cooper would cover for him this morning at the stable. The horses still needed to be taken care of during the weekly closed-down time at the Old West Town park. His guys could probably manage things, but he always felt better if an owner was nearby for any questions or concerns.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his phone, and hit the on button as he rummaged in the cupboards of the kitchen for a coffee filter.
The phone started ringing in his hand. Slowly and well before comprehending that the ring wasn’t his, Logan pushed the green button and lifted the phone toward his ear. The scent of Jocelyn hit him in the heart. Shit. He’d answered her phone instead of his own.
Realizing too late that her phone looked quite a lot like his, he glanced at the display, saw her last name, Demarco, and in parentheses father, and realized who’d just called. Shit. An awkward way to meet the family, especially a woman’s father, but he couldn’t very well hang up.
Logan put the phone to his ear, trying desperately to think of what he could say about why he’d answered Jocelyn’s phone in the wee hours of the morning. Talk about getting caught red-handed. But he didn’t need to worry. Jocelyn’s father didn’t give him a chance to speak anyway.