Page 74 of Unbridled Temptation
Jocelyn took the precious ring, stared at it for a few seconds, and then handed it back to him. He thought she was saying no, and his heart fell a bit in surprise, but she held her left hand up. “Please slide it on my finger, Logan. I’d be honored to wear this ring. It’s beautiful and absolutely perfect.”
Logan slipped the ring on her finger, which fit perfectly, and knew he’d made the right decision in giving it to her.
Mr. Demarco moved closer. “Jocelyn, I don’t think you should marry this man. He can’t take care of you.” He was staring at the ring on her hand. Probably wanted to see if the ring was something cheap. But it wasn’t. Old fashioned, yes, but it was a very expensive engagement ring.
Jocelyn had also been studying the ring now on her third finger, then suddenly brought it closer to her eye. “Oh my gosh, is this a pink diamond center stone?”
“Yes. From Tiffany’s, I think.”
“Tiffany’s?” her mother asked and moved even closer, hovering as if to get a better look.
“Where did you get this ring, young man?” her father asked. He asked as though he expected to hear that Logan had either won it in a poker game or more likely stolen it.
“Dad, stop it—”
“That’s okay, Jocelyn.” Logan turned to her father. “Actually, my grandmother let me select it from the Pearson family jewel collection. There were lots of other jeweled rings with much bigger stones, but this was always my grandmother’s favorite. So that’s why I chose it.”
“What? The Pearson jewel collection?” Her father’s eyes widened. So did her mother’s.
Jocelyn lifted her head and sent her green-eyed gaze through him. Her growing smile warmed him. “So whose private jet did we ride on today? You said you inherited that, right?”
Her father eyelids narrowed to slits, and he mumbled, “Private jet?”
“Well, actually one of my uncles bought a brand-new jet, and made me take his old one. No one died or anything. And I don’t use it much, but it occasionally comes in handy. Like today.”
Jocelyn’s father asked, “You’re a Pearson, as in the Chicago Pearsons who own that big nationwide department store chain?”
Logan smiled. “Yes. That’s right. Do you know them?”
“I know of them,” her father said quietly.
Jocelyn turned to her seemingly stunned parents. “I know this is short notice, but I also wanted to let you both know that I’m leaving town. Actually, I had already decided to move to Montana before Logan’s proposal.” Her parents remained quiet, or maybe stunned was a better description.
Logan was still waiting for at the least a congratulations of their engagement. He guessed he’d be waiting forever.
Jocelyn seemed unsurprised by their indifferent reaction. “I’ll keep in touch. And I’ll let you know if Jenna contacts me.”
She grabbed his hand and led him to the front door. “I love you, Logan.” She hugged him again. “Thank you. I love the ring.”
“I love you, too.” Logan pulled her closer, squeezed her hard, and asked, “Are you ready to head back to Montana, now?”
“Yes. Let’s go.” She’d packed up quite a few things from her apartment into three large suitcases before they’d come to her parents’ home.
Neither her father nor mother said another word as they took their leave. If Jocelyn expected her parents to congratulate her on snagging a rich husband, they didn’t act like it. Perhaps they didn’t believe him. Perhaps they would never be happy unless they could order their daughters around.
Logan let the anger of it fall away from him. Jocelyn didn’t seem troubled, so he vowed to move forward and not give her parents another thought. He would introduce her to his parents, who loved him beyond reason. His mother would be very happy that he’d given up the I’m never getting married attitude he’d lived with for almost a decade.
“Thanks for proposing in front of my parents. I’ve never seen them stunned into silence before.”
“I’m sorry they weren’t more enthusiastic.”
“I’m grateful they weren’t worse. I half expected my dad to pull out a jeweler’s loupe and inspect the stone.”