Page 12 of Awakening Veronica
“What did you decide?”
In the back of her mind had been the suspicion that the only reason he wanted her to take him back was because the lease was in her name and she paid most of the bills but she’d agreed to consider giving him another chance. Finding a G-string that didn’t belong to her in his pocket a few days later had helped her make the right decision.
“He cheated on me again and I asked him to move out the night of the chat last week. He got upset and slapped me.”
It’d bugged her that asking him to move out hadn’t hurt as much as she’d thought it would. Shouldn’t she have been upset? Crying? Heartbroken? What was wrong with her? But remembering the way she’d put up with his bullying personality in order to be able to enjoy those times when he dominated her now made her feel foolish. He could’ve really hurt her. She was lucky he’d stopped at a single slap to the face that had knocked her to the floor.
“I wish I’d been there with my Colt .45. I’d have taken him from a gander to a goose with one bullet. It’d serve him right for laying a hand on you, sweet girl.” Judging by Grandma Kate’s implacable tone, she was one hundred percent serious.
“In the beginning, I liked the fact that he had a dominant personality,” she whispered, ashamed for Henry to overhear her. “I liked that he enjoyed taking control.” She only said the words because she knew Grandma Kate would understand. She’d read her last book, Bound at the Bonfire, an erotic romance featuring some BDSM themes.
Kate looked back at her and said, “Just because he was dominating doesn’t mean that he was a Dom. I think if you wanted to add that element into your life, you could do much better than that odious young man. Promise me something?”
“I’ll try. What?”
“The next time you want to give that kind of power over to another person, will you talk to someone who is well-versed in the Dominance-and-submission dynamic first?”
“I doubt you’ll ever have to worry about that, Grandma Kate.” The Dominant I want exists only in my fantasies. “Besides, I don’t know anyone who lives formally as Dominant and submissive.”
“I think Grace knows a few who do.”
“Really?” Veronica was growing more and more curious about this friend of Kate’s.
“Yes. No self-respecting Dom would ever strike his sub in such a manner unless she expressly gave him the right to do so, and he’d never abuse someone’s trust by cheating in a committed, exclusive relationship. Please tell me your relationship was exclusive, at least until he cheated.”
“To my knowledge it was. I got tested the day after I saw…the evidence. I’m all clear.” She darted a glance at Henry but he was busy speaking into his headset, evidently using another frequency.
“Good. Does your father know about this?”
“Dad never liked Brent, as far as I could tell. I haven’t told him, or the others.”
“What about Cord and Jackson?”
“I haven’t told them either. I know they don’t like him. They’d be happy he’s gone.”
“No, honey. Did you tell them he hit you?”
“No. It wouldn’t help. It’s in the past. It’s not much of a bruise anymore. Besides, they’ve been busy with their own lives and their own problems. I’d rather just move on. Brent’s supposed to move out while I’m gone. Once that’s done, I can have some peace in my life.”
Grandma Kate reached back a fragile hand to her. As she took it and Kate squeezed her hand, she said, “I’ve prayed for that for you, sweet girl. You’ve earned some peace in your life.”
Calm came with Kate’s soothing tone and Veronica hoped that was a sign of good things to come from this trip. The anxiety she’d been feeling earlier settled down to a manageable level. Her doctor had prescribed a medication that would take the edge off of her anxiety if she needed it, but she preferred to deal with her issues on her own whenever possible.
“Thank you, Grandma Kate.”
“Do you trust him to move out and not trash your place?”
She thought about that for a second and wasn’t sure that her answer would inspire much confidence in Grandma Kate. “When I packed for this trip, I brought everything I need for my work, my favorite clothing, and my jewelry. I didn’t leave any valuables behind, beyond the rest of my clothing and odds and ends. I don’t think he’d trash the place but I was careful to bring the things that would be hard to replace.” Namely her laptop and everything related to her writer’s life. “It helps that my files are all stored online.”