Page 32 of Awakening Veronica
“Would you like to come in for a bit? I can make coffee.”
Hank said, “We’d like that.”
Travis stroked her upper arms, inspiring gooseflesh and tightening nipples. “As long as it doesn’t keep you from your work, we’d love to.”
“It’s quiet in the house. The nightclub is nice but the loud music and press of people was becoming overwhelming. I’d love to talk some more with both of you. I’ll be writing later tonight.”
Hank nodded, looking like he had an opinion about that, but didn’t say anything else. They opened their doors and Travis held out his hand to help her down. She scooted over and the upholstery on the bench seat made her dress slide up a bit, revealing more leg than she intended. The smile on his face sent the butterflies fluttering in her stomach again but he made no remark as he helped her down.
She looked up into his eyes and the sound of her heartbeat filled her ears as he gently stroked her cheek. His lips fascinated her as they bowed into another smile. She wanted to touch them and feel their supple warmth.
Hank waited on the first porch step, his cowboy hat shading his eyes from the porch light as he watched them. His smile matched Travis’s, making her feel as though she was in an alternate reality.
Travis gestured for her to lead the way and she could sense his body heat as she passed him. She gladly took Hank’s hand as she negotiated the steps. She didn’t wear high heels often enough to feel confident walking in them, but loved the way they made her feel. Sexy. It was an altogether foreign sensation. Maybe Grace’s womanly sexiness was rubbing off on her. The thought made her smile. She’d love to have more in common with Grace than just a dress and shoe size.
A cool wind blew across the porch, carrying the scent of fall rain and a tinge of wood smoke with it. Back home it was already snowing. She refused to imagine what Billings, Montana, must be like right now. Grace had extended the invitation to stay in Divine through Christmas and she smiled as she imagined this charming little house with a Christmas tree decorated and standing in the corner.
She turned on lamps in the living room and the men followed her into the kitchen area.
After laying his cowboy hat aside on the bar, Hank stayed her hands as she reached in the cupboard and said, “I like the smile on your face. What are you thinking of right now?”
Biting her lip, Veronica chuckled and said, “Christmas. And wondering what it’s like here in Divine.”
Hank grinned. “It’s nice. We have a big Christmas tree lighting downtown, and they decorate all the old oak trees in Central Park with white lights. There’s a charity event early in December in Central Park that’s new this year. To draw a large crowd for it, I’ve heard that the businesses downtown are all inviting the public to go door to door for a wassail fest. Ben and Ethan are throwing a big Christmas party at the Dancing Pony this year, too. Of course, that’s a pretty busy time for my department.”
“I can imagine.”
Travis seemed a little pensive as he listened to them talk, and he finally said, “Veronica, think you might be interested in staying long enough to experience any of that?”
“I haven’t decided yet. I guess it depends on how much work I can get done. This trip has already been so valuable to me.”
Hank said, “And from a relaxation standpoint, Nika?”
With a chuckle, Veronica said, “Well, I haven’t done as much sleeping as you might hope for, Hank, but I’ve gotten more than I normally do, and the sleep I do get is great. The ranch is so quiet, and what noise I hear is nice, ranch-life sorts of noises.”
“Is it noisy where you live?”
“I live in an urban area, so yeah. Lots of traffic noise, horns, sirens, and my neighbors above me and beside me. The first night or two here I couldn’t sleep because of the lack of noise.”
Hank nodded as she put a pot of coffee on to brew. She slipped her phone from her clutch and powered it off. He took her hand as the coffee machine started gurgling and led her into the living room.
“Why are you smiling?” she asked as Hank directed her to sit on the leather couch in front of the fireplace, which Travis had lit.