Page 41 of Awakening Veronica
Hank led her into the center of the room and stroked her long hair. “Will you be working tonight?”
She nodded and Travis noted the eagerness in her response and the way she smiled. “I feel like I’m bursting at the seams and need to get it all out before I lose it.”
“You’re not too tired?”
She shook her head. “Second wind. I’ll sleep afterward and then get back to it after lunch. At the rate I’m going right now, I’ll probably be done in a week or so. Then I’ll take a break.”
“Are any of your evenings free?”
“I can make them free. It’s not a problem. I’m having supper tomorrow night at the ranch house with Grandma Kate, Grace and the others. I don’t think Grace would mind if you came, too. I’ll be free afterward.”
“I think we could work that out. We have only a few simple requests for you tonight.”
She nodded and didn’t take her eyes off of his.
Hank slid his hand down her left forearm and urged it around his waist and took her other hand as another song played on the stereo. “Dance with me. Nothing fancy, and Travis will dim the lights. After we dance, I want to watch you dance with him, and then we’ll get you ready to write.”
Her jaw dropped and Travis wondered at the thoughts that must be racing in her head. Travis dimmed the lamps and turned out the lights in the kitchen, bathing the two of them in a muted circle of light as Hank pulled her close. He knew what was next on Hank’s list, so he went around the house, which had an open floor plan except for the bedroom and bathrooms down the hall, closing all the drapes, blinds, and curtains. Veronica would need privacy if she was going to be up late.
Travis turned up the volume on the music and took a seat on the couch to watch them. She looked up at Hank, her eyes filled with questions. Hank lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her as he swayed gently with her to Jason Aldean’s “Talk.”
Travis smiled as her eyelids slid closed and her auburn hair drifted in a silky wave over Hank’s arm around her back as she tilted her head and deepened the kiss. Travis could almost feel the silky skin at the back of her neck as Hank stroked it and then ran his fingers in a lingering caress down her spine. His cock hardened as he imagined his turn with her in his arms.
When Hank released her lips, she looked up at him, and whispered, sounding breathless. Hank looked at her tenderly and caressed her cheek, then shook his head negatively. Her gaze shifted to Travis as Hank turned her so she could see him. Her eyes were glazed with passion and her lips were full and rosy from her kiss, just waiting for his lips, too.
“Look at you, Nika,” Hank murmured. “You’re dancing.”
A soft smile drifted across her lips as she looked between the two of them as the song receded. “I didn’t step on your toes or knock you down or anything.”
“Nope. Travis looks like he wants a turn, too.”
Travis rose from the couch and went to her as Hank released her. “Must Be Doin’ Somethin’ Right” by Billy Currington began to play on the radio. The sexy smile on her face and the soft sigh that escaped her lips as she went to him more than willingly said it all.
“You’re a Billy Currington fan?”
She nodded. “I love his voice but if you put on any country-and-western male vocalist I’m a happy girl.”
He loved the way she drew out the word “girl” as she melted against him and let him lead her in a simple swaying rhythm, turning a slow circle on the wooden floor. The sexy red heels she wore brought her up to the perfect level for a kiss and he took full advantage as she looked up at him when he stroked her chin. “Can I have a kiss, Nika?”
Her answer was the willing tilt of her chin and the subtle parting of her lips as she looked up at him. She trembled in his arms as his lips touched hers, rubbed against them, reveling in the satiny warmth before delving his tongue into the heat of her sweet mouth. He’d wanted very much to kiss her succulent lips when she’d been a teenager, and the woman she’d become surpassed all his fantasies about her in the intervening years.
Her hand slid up his back to his shoulder, as his hand slid down, caressing her in a long line from her shoulder blade down to the upper curve of her hip and her ass cheek. She was warm and silky all over and her eyes were glazed with passion that he craved to sample. He didn’t know how he’d ever be able to walk away tonight, but he would. They both would. But first they’d take her higher than she’d likely ever gone before.