Page 96 of Magic Hour
Girl is afraid and confused. What if Sun Hair doesn’t want Girl to stay? Maybe she is being let go now?
She doesn’t want to go back to the cold, hungry darkness of her cave. Maybe Him is there. . . .
Sun Hair bends down. “Canyoutalktomealis?”
The other one, the big, jangling Night-Haired Her says something from the shadows. There is no color around that one, no scent. Girl cannot sense what that one feels or thinks, but she knows it is bad.
Something is wrong.
“Leavethis. Toodamnspooky,” Night Hair says. She shivers as if it is cold, which confuses Girl even more. It is moons and moons away from cold.
“Goaheadandleave. Illstay.” Sun Hair is looking at Girl and smiling. “Ineedyoutotalkalis. Isanyofthismakingsense?”
Girl hears something. It sneaks up on her like a hunting wolf. She frowns, trying to understand.
Did Sun Hair want Girl to make the sounds that meant things?
It couldn’t be. That is the Bad Thing.
Sun Hair’s smile slowly disappears. The color of her eyes seem to change from green to the palest gray. It is the color of lostness, of the water that leaks from your eyes. At last Sun Hair makes a sad, lonely sound and straightens.
It seems now that Sun Hair is miles away from Girl and getting farther. Sooner they will be so far apart that Girl won’t be able to find her.
“Ineedyoutotalklittleone.” Sun Hair takes a breath. “Please.”
From somewhere, Girl remembers this sound. It is special, like the first bud in spring.
Sun Hair wants Girl to make the forbidden noises.
Girl gets slowly to her feet. She feels light-headed with fear.
Sun Hair is walking away now.
Girl’s fear pushes her forward. She follows, grabs Sun Hair’s hand and holds so tightly it hurts.
Sun Hair turns to her, kneels. “Itsokayalis. Itsokay. Imnotleavingyou.”
Leaving. Out of the jumble of sounds, Girl hears this. It is as clear as the sound of a river rising.
Girl looks at Sun Hair. Holding tightly to her hand, she wants to look away or close her eyes so that if Sun Hair is going to hit her, she will not have to see it coming, but she forces her eyes to stay open. It will take all her heart, everything she has inside of her to think and remember and make the forbidden noise.
“Whatisit? Areyouokay?” Sun Hair’s voice is so soft it makes Girl’s heart ache.
She looks up into those pretty green eyes. Girl wants to be good. She licks her lips, then says quietly, “Stay.”
Sun Hair makes a sound like a stone falling in deep water. “Didyou saystay?”