Page 100 of Summer Island
On Lopez, he stopped by the grocery store and bought a few things, then pedaled home as fast as he could. By the time he reached the house, the sun was just beginning to set. In the kitchen, Lottie was busy chopping up vegetables for stir-fry. He gave her a quick wave hello and hurried up to Erics room.
“Hey, bro,” Eric said, smiling tiredly, sitting up. “How was your bike ride?”
Dean went to him. “Guess what I bought?” He opened the small blue insulated bag and withdrew a melting Popsicle.
Erics eyes widened. “A Rainbow Rocket. I didnt think they still made them. ”
Dean unwrapped the soggy white wrapper and handed his brother the dripping, multicolored Popsicle. He had to help Eric hold it-his hands were weak and unresponsive-but the smile on Erics face was straight from the old days.
Eric closed his eyes and made groaning sounds of pleasure as he licked the Popsicle. When he finished, he set the gooey stick on the bedside tray and sighed. The bed whirred to a more upright position. “That was great,” he said, leaning deeper into the pillows. He slowly turned his head. “Id forgotten how much I loved those things. ”
“I remembered,” Dean said. “Ive been remembering a lot of things lately. ”
“Remember the fort we made inside that dead log on Mrs. Nutters land? When she discovered us, she chased us all the way down her driveway with a broom-”
“Screaming that we were rich-kid hooligans. ”
“She threatened to call our parents-”
“And we told her Mom was in Barbados and the call would cost her a fortune. ” Erics laughter faded into a hacking cough, then disappeared altogether.
“Theres something else, too,” Dean said. He went to his own bedroom, then returned with a comic book.
Eric blinked up at him. “My missing Batman. The only issue I ever lost. ”
Dean smiled. “You didnt lose it. Your little brother was mad at you one day for not sharing your Wacky Wallwalker, and he took your Batman. He could never figure out how to give it back. ”
Smiling, Eric took the comic, thumbed through it. “I always knew you took it. Shithead. ”
“Do you want me to read it to you?” Eric set it on his lap. “Ah . . . I guess not. Im too tired. Just talk to me. ”
Dean leaned over the bed rail and gazed down at his . “I went to see Ruby today. ”
Lets just say the door hit me in the ass on the way out. "
Eric laughed. Thats our Ruby. Never gives an inch. Did you tell her you loved her?"
I asked her what she would say if I did. "
Eric rolled his eyes. “How Cary Grant of you. Its hard to sweep a girl off her feet with a line like that. ”
“How would you know?”
Girl. Boy. Its all the same, kiddo. Romance. And frankly, youd better get a move on. I want to be around for your happily-ever-after. "
“I know, I know. Youre dying. ”
Damn right, I am. So, when is round two?"
Dean sighed. “I dont know. Ill need to stock up on defensive weapons. Maybe something will happen tomorrow, when we all go sailing. ”
“You do love her, though?”