Page 118 of Summer Island
"A lady is suing me for fraudulent advice. And someone close to me-apparently a friend-is writing an ugly tell-all about my life.
Oh, and dont be surprised when you hear that your dad and I engaged in group sex. “ She tried to smile; it was a dismal failure. ”But dont you worry, I can get through this. Ive been through worse. Its just a mid life tantrum. The only thing that matters is how much I love you. "
Ruby jerked back, let her hand drop into her lap. “Oh, man . . . ” she whispered.
Nora climbed awkwardly to her feet and hobbled to the kitchen table. She slumped onto a chair; plopped her casted foot on another one.
It occurred to her then, as she watched her daughter; who still knelt on the floor with her head bowed, that there was no silence more cruel and empty than the one that followed that simple declaration: "I love you.
Shed spent a childhood waiting to hear those words, from her father; then an eternity waiting to hear them from her husband.
Now, it seemed, she was destined to wait again. And shed thought things were going so well with Ruby . . .
“Would you like some coffee?” she said pushing the newspaper aside. Her voice was calm and even, as if it were completely ordinary for them to be here together; amid a smattering of broken yellow china.
Ruby looked up at her. “Dont. ”
Nora saw that her daughter was crying; it confused her. “What is it, Rube?”
“Dont pretend you didnt say it. Please. ”
Nora had no idea how to respond. Ruby got up, turned, and went upstairs.
Nora heard each footfall on the steps. She couldnt seem to draw a steady breath. What in the world just happened?
Then she heard the steps again; Ruby was coming back downstairs. She walked into the kitchen, carrying a suitcase in one hand and a tablet of paper in the other.
Noras hand flew to her mouth. "Im sorry. I thought wed gotten to the point where I could say that to you. Ruby dropped the suitcase. It landed with a thunk that shook the thin windowpanes.
“Ruby, honey . . . ” The endearment slipped out on a current of longing and regret.
“It was never about forgetting or forgiving,” Ruby said slowly. Tears welled in her dark eyes, bled down her cheeks. “It took me so long to figure that out. And now its too late. ”
Nora frowned. “I dont understand-”
“I love you. ”
Rubys voice was so soft Nora thought at first shed imagined the words, drawn them up from her own subconscious and given them the substance of sound.
“You love me?” Nora dared to whisper. Ruby stood there, a little unsteady. “Just try. . . to ”remember that, okay?"
“How could I possibly-”
Ruby slapped a yellow pad of paper on the kitchen table. “I spent all of last night making you a copy of this. ”
Nora barely glanced at it; she was too busy watching Ruby. “What is it?”
Ruby backed up, stepped alongside her suitcase.
“Read it," she said dully.
With a little shrug, Nora pulled the table close.
“I need my glasses . . . ” She peered down at the paper squinting.
In the interest of full disclosure, I must tell you that I was paid to write this article. Paid handsomely, as they say in the kind of restaurants where a person like me cant afford to order a dinner salad. Enough so that I could trade in my beat-up Volkswagen Bug for a slightly less beat-up Porsche.
I should also tell you that I dislike my mother. No, thats not true. I `dislike the snotty salesclerk who works the night shift at my local video store.