Page 57 of Summer Island
“I thought Id send your ”best of“ file, too. In case you wanted to sneak some old letters in. Tom wouldnt know. ”
“Good thinking. ”
Dee sighed heavily. “I knew you were going to do the column. People are saying-”
“Ill make sure that youre taken care of. Dont you worry about that. Thanks for everything, Dee. Really. Good-bye. ” She leaned forward and hung up the phone. She wanted to make a joke for Rubys benefit, but she hadnt the strength.
Slowly, she lifted her head.
Ruby stood by the refrigerator; her arms crossed.
Her cup of coffee sat on the counter; forgotten.
“What was that all about?”
“My boss at the newspaper expects me to answer some . . . rather unflattering letters from my readers. ”
“Well, it is your job. ”
Nora didnt bother answering. Ruby couldnt possibly understand. She didnt know how it felt to need acceptance; and how, without it, you could feel invisible. Worse than invisible.
Some lady in Iowa . . . a lawsuit . . . fraudulent advice . . .
She closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "David Letterman is probably having a field day with this . .
For two days, shed been able to forget that her life was unraveling, that she was a national scandal. No more.
She heard Ruby run upstairs.
Thank God.
But in a minute, Ruby was back, tapping her on the shoulder. “Nora?”
Nora opened her eyes.
Ruby was standing beside her, holding a section of newspaper. “I bought this yesterday at the store. Maybe you should . . . read what theyre writing about you. ”
Nora stared at the newspaper. She could see a big, grainy picture of herself.
It had been taken at the Emmys last year-God, she hated that shot. It made her look all puffy-cheeked and squinty-eyed.
She took the paper from Ruby and glanced through the article. “Its over,” she said dully, letting the news paper fall to the floor.
Ruby frowned. “Dont be stupid. Youll get through this. Look at Monica Lewinsky-shes selling expensive handbags now. She went to the Oscars last year. And that idiot who married the millionaire got a fortune from Playboy. ”
“Thank you for those comforting comparisons. ”
“I just meant-”
"Youre too young to understand, Ruby. My career is over. I have no intention of answering a single letter.
Im going to hide out until this . . . is over. Another story will come along and theyll forget about me. Then Ill just fade away. "
“Youre kidding me, right?”
“No. ”