Page 84 of Summer Island
efore she could finish her sentence, the ferry honked its horn. They were docking on Lopez. Ruby looked up. She knew that as soon as it had unloaded a few cars, it would turn to Orcas Island. Summer was the last stop before the boat turned back to the mainland.
Ruby made a snap decision. She didnt want to see her mother yet. They would have to talk about this new information, and Ruby wasnt ready.
She started the car and pulled out of line, speeding down the empty lane. Ferry workers shouted at her, waving their hands. No doubt they thought she was a tourist, getting off on the wrong island. She didnt care. She sped forward, bumped over the ramp, and drove off.
The Sloan house was only a few blocks from the ferry terminal. It was a big, gingerbread-cute Victorian mansion placed on a breathtaking promontory overlooking the bay.
She pulled the minivan into the driveway and parked. It was twilight now; a purple haze fell across the garden, still impeccably tended. A newly painted white picket fence kept everything neatly contained. Just the way Mrs. Sloan liked it, although she probably hadnt set foot on this island in years.
Ruby walked up the crushed seashell pathway that led to the front door. There she paused, gathered her courage, and knocked.
Lottie opened the door. She looked just as Ruby remembered her-puffy cheeks, eyes that disappeared when she smiled. “Ruby Elizabeth!” she said, clapping her plump hands together. "Lordy, its good to see you.
Ruby grinned. “Hello, Lottie. Its been a long time. ”
“Not so long that you cant give me a hug, you upstart. ” She reached out and grabbed Ruby, pulling her against her ample breast. Ruby noticed that Lottie still smelled of the lemon hard candies she kept tucked in her apron pockets.
Ruby drew back, trying to maintain her smile when she said, “I came to see Eric. ”
“Hes upstairs. Dean had to fly to Seattle-something about business. ”
Ruby was relieved. Now that she was here, she wasnt ready to talk to Dean, either. She glanced past Lottie, into the living room. “Can I go up?”
“Why, Id beat you with a stick if you didnt. Ill make you some tea if-”
“No, thanks. Im fine. ”
“Ali. Run along with you, then. ” As Ruby passed her; Lottie reached out, touched her shoulder. “Dont be afraid, Ruby. Hes still our boy. ”
Ruby took a deep breath and released it, then slowly mounted the stairs. At the upper landing, she turned toward Erics old room. The door was closed.
She gave it the tiniest push to open it. “Eric?”
“Ruby? Is that you?”
She heard how weak his voice was, how different from the melodious baritone of old, and she swallowed hard. “Its me, buddy. ” She pushed past the door and walked into his room.
Only sheer willpower kept her from gasping. He looked thin and tired. His beautiful black hair was practically gone, there was only the barest film of it left. Bruise-dark shadows circled his eyes; his cheek bones stood out in pathetic relief above the pale, sunken flesh.
He gave her a smile that broke her heart. “I must be dead if Ruby Bridge is back on the island. ”
“Im home,” she said, looking away quickly so he couldnt see her shock. She strode over to the window and opened the curtains-anything to get her composure back.
“Its okay, Ruby,” he said softly, “I know how I look. ”
She turned back around. “I missed you, Eric,” she said, meaning it, hating herself once again for how easily shed been able to leave this place, these people.
“It feels like old times with you here,” he said, pushing a button and maneuvering his bed to a more upright position.
She smiled. “Yeah. All we need is-”
He reached into the bedside drawer and held out a fat joint. He gave her that same tilted, crooked-toothed grin she remembered so well. “Cancer makes pot easy to come by. ” He brought the joint to his lips and lit it.
Ruby laughed. “So, youve been getting all our old friends high, huh?”
He took a toke and handed it to her. When he finally exhaled, he said, “There are no old friends around here. Not for me, anyway. ”
Ruby took a hit. The smoke scalded her throat and made her cough. She handed the joint back to him. “I havent smoked pot in years. ”