Page 121 of If You Believe
Still staring at the grave, she pushed to her feet and stumbled over to it. Awkwardly she sank to her knees and leaned forward, pressing her forehead into the prickly blanket of winter grass. The smell of it combined with the fecund fragrance of the dirt and filled her senses. Overhead, the last remaining leaves whickered together; one fell silently downward and landed on Mariahs hair.
"Good-bye, Thomas," she said throatily, letting the cleansing tears fall. "I love you, baby. "
She had no idea how long she sat there. It could have been minutes or hours. Then, slowly, she straightened.
Across the row of graves, her eyes met Mad Dogs. At the sight of him, sitting there in the darkness, waiting for her, she felt a surge of blistering emotion.
"Matt. " She whispered his name and held out her arms.
He was beside her in an instant, picking her up. She snuggled close to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. "Thank you," she murmured, tasting the salty, familiar tang of his skin against her lips.
Mariah breathed deeply and lolled her head back, staring up at the sky as Mad Dog walked away from the graves.
At the movement, nausea punched her in the stomach. She groaned in surprise and clutched her writhing midsection. The stars blurred, pulsed. "I dont feel so good all of a sudden. "
Mad Dogs soft laughter enfolded her. "Im not surprised. "
She blinked sleepily, tried to focus. "Where are we?" He stopped at a door and kicked it open. "At the bunkhouse. Home sweet home. "
His hold on her loosened, and Mariah slithered bonelessly to the floor. "Oops. " She giggled and tried to clamp a hand over her mouth, but she missed and smacked herself in the nose.
Mad Dog grabbed her by the forearm and hauled her to
her feet. She leaned against him, clutching her stomach. Nausea lurched into her throat and lodged there, throbbing.
"Do you want to lay down?" His voice seemed to come at her from a million miles away. Dully she nodded. The simple action seemed to take forever.
He started to maneuver her toward the bed, but at the movement, something in her stomach gave way. Without warning, she threw up all over his bed. He stared at the bed. "Aw, shit. " She was horrified for a second, then she giggled. "S-Sorry. "
He laughed and scooped her into his arms again, carrying her into the house. In the bathing room, he helped her brush her teeth, then hauled her up the stairs and put her in bed. Then he started to leave.
She held her hands out, blinked sleepily up at him. "Dont go. I want you. . . . "
He smiled softly, brushed a lock of hair from her face. "You need sleep. And besides, youre drunk as a skunk. " He gave her a wolfish, sexy grin. "Tomorrow, when youre sober, well talk. . . . "
"Then just sleep with me. "
Mad Dog paused. "Just sleep?"
"Please . . . "
"Why not?" Smiling, he stripped out of his clothes and crawled naked in bed beside her, drawing her close.
She laid a cheek on his bare chest and smiled peacefully. "Im sorry I threw up on your bed. "
He stroked her hair. "Dont worry, youre not the first woman to do so. "
"Youre not supposed to compare me to other women. "
He chuckled. "I didnt think it was important to be the first to throw up on someone. "
She snuggled against him, curling her arm possessively around his body. The familiar soap-and-water scent of his skin filled her nostrils. A long, contented sigh escaped her mouth.
"I like tequila. . . . " Before the words had even left her mouth, she was asleep.
Chapter Twenty-four Mariah woke slowly. She had a second of oblivion, then she remembered last night. Pain surged through her at the memory.
She blinked, feeling the warm, wet streak of a single tear as it fell down her cheek.