Page 126 of If You Believe
Behind her, the bed squeaked. His feet hit the floor. "I wish I knew what to say to you, Mariah. "
She straightened her back but didnt turn to him. "You do know what to say, Matt.
You just dont want to say it. "
He stood there a long time. She felt his gaze on her back, moving across her bare skin like a touch of fire. Then, slowly, he turned and walked away. When the door closed with a quiet click, Mariah sagged forward and started to cry.
Jake sat at the kitchen table, waiting for Mad Dog to come into the house. Upstairs, the floorboards creaked, a door clicked open.
Mariah was getting up.
Uncertainty snipped at Jakes self-confidence. It would be hard enough to do this.
He couldnt say what he needed to say in front of Mariah.
Maybe hed just wait for Mad Dog outside, by the bunkhouse.
Yeah, that made more sense.
He pushed his chair out and stood up.
Mad Dog came thundering down the steps and barreled into the kitchen. He ran into Jake and almost knocked him over.
He grabbed Jake by the shoulders and steadied him. "Sorry, Jake. "
Jake stared at his father. He looked . . . sad. There was no other word for it. Jake frowned up at him. "Is everything okay?"
Mad Dog laughed bitterly. "Great. " Then he pushed past Jake and headed to the door. "I gotta go. "
Jake reached for him, missed. "Wait!"
"Cant. " Mad Dog pushed through the kitchen door and disappeared.
Indecision rooted Jake to the spot for a heartbeat, then he made up his mind. Hed made a promise to Rass, and to himself. Today Mad Dog was going to learn he had a son.
Jake shoved his chair back into its spot at the table and ran from the house, bounding down the stairs after his father. "Wait!"
Mad Dog didnt even slow down.
"Damn it. " Jake fisted his hands and sprinted toward the bunkhouse. He grabbed Mad Dogs arm and spun him around. "I said wait. "
Mad Dog stared down at him through a haze, as if he hadnt even heard Jake calling to him. "Huh? Look, kid—"
"Jake," he shouted. "My name is Jake. "
Mad Dog rolled his eyes. "Sorry. "
Jake steeled himself for rejection and stared up at his father. "Do you know why thats important?"
Mad Dog frowned. "No, why?"
He drew a deep breath, then said, "My legal name is Jacob William Vanderstay. "
Jake knew the moment his words registered. Mad Dogs eyes narrowed, his mouth tensed into a thin white line. "What are you saying?"
Jake nodded. "Laralee was my mother. "
Mad Dog winced. He took a stumbling step backward, as if to put distance between himself and the words that were coming. "Yeah. So?"