Page 31 of If You Believe
Sweet God, he was a good-looking man.
Nothing could have irritated her more. "It isnt polite to sneak up on people," she said stiffly.
"Did you really expect politeness from me?"
A traitorous smile tugged at her mouth. She immediately bit it back. Damn him for making her smile. "No. "
He pushed his hat back and sauntered toward her, slowly. His bootheels clicked on the planked floor, his even, gentle breathing filled the air between them. His eyes were fixed on her, as if he were searching for something.
She smoothed a nonexistent wrinkle from her apron and turned away from him.
"You may sit down, Mr. Stone. Supper will be ready in a few moments. " He peered into the pan. "Looks like maggots. " "Lovely comparison. Of course, if anyone should recognize a maggot, Mr. Stone, itd be you. " He laughed.
The rich, rumbling sound grated on her nerves. Shed meant to insult him. Almost involuntarily, she glanced up. He was beside her. Close. So close, she could smell the clean, masculine scent of his skin and the just-washed freshness of his clothes.
His face filled her vision. Intense, pewter gray eyes stared into her own. She felt somehow invaded by his look, penetrated.
She dragged her gaze away from his eyes. And acci-dently glanced at the vee where his collar lay open. Curly, coffee brown hair darkened his suntanned flesh. The sight of it taunted her, tempted her.
She yanked her chin up and forced herself to meet his eyes again. "Was there a reason you came over here?" "Yeah. "
She knew instinctively that she shouldnt ask, but she couldnt help herself.
"W-What is it?"
He leaned closer. Mariahs heartbeat sped up, whether from fear or some darker, more dangerous, unknown emotion.
"I want to get to know you. " "What?"
He laughed softly. "Im curious about you, thats all. "
Oh, thats what she needed. She straightened, careful not to look at his eyes. "I dont want you to be curious about me, Mr. Stone. "
"I know you dont. Thats why I am. "
She gave an impatient sigh. "Are you trying to irritate me, Mr. Stone?"
"No. It just comes naturally. One of my few gifts. "
"Your mama must be proud. " One second too late, she remembered that his mother had died. "Oh, Lord, Mr. Stone, Im sorry. . . . " She turned to him, not knowing what else to say.
He stared back at her, and for once he wasnt smiling. Their eyes met, held. There was something in his gray gaze that surprised her. A depth of emotion, of loneliness, that seemed vaguely familiar. Then it was gone.
If it had ever really been there at all.
"Youre forgiven. "
Mariah refused to think about what shed seen in his eyes. "Well, that was easy,"
she said with a brittle laugh.
His smile was back, stunning in its warmth. "Im an easygoing guy. Just remember it when I offend you. "
"Oh? Are you planning to offend me?"
He shrugged. "No, but itll happen. Thats my other gift. "
"Thats it—only the two?"